Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Nasi Bunga Telang Serai /Blue Pea Lemongrass Rice

I threw some bunga telang, or blue pea flower seeds in my garden and they grew. They literally grew without even me realising and without even any tender, loving care. Just like that. By the time I knew, bunga telang which can be addressed in other names greeted me. Beautiful. They are such bluish beauties and me after a few days, getting down to making this Nasi Bunga Telang Serai /Blue Pea Lemongrass Rice. I did. And rice by far, do I have say anything furthermore? Me and my love for nasi or rice. For this typical Malaysian who must have rice at least once a day though usually its plain rice, of course, every now and then, the easy varieties, cooked in the rice cooker are such a delight for breaking free from the monotony and boredomness of our daily meals (Tomato Rice PilafRice Pilaf, Coriander Rice, Turmeric Rice, Dhal Rice & Lemon Cashew Rice). What's the cooking story to Nasi Bunga Telang Serai? Such an easy uncomplicated story. Just a couple of ingredients. In fact, just five. Basmati rice, bunga telang/blue pea flowers, serai/lemongrass, salt and water. The best part of all is, I will and must vouch that you will simply love the floral scent of bunga telang and lemony scent of lemongrass in, and around cooked to the right texture rice. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Terong Balado Pedas Manis

Terong Balado Pedas Manis is? Fried Brinjal in Spicy Sweet Sambal/Sauce. Says it all right? I am back to my Indonesian cooking and back again to eggplant, aubergine or brinjal? Admittedly. My previous balado cooking lingo (Ikan Balado) and other Indonesian dishes (Sate Kambing, Indonesian Grilled Fish, Sambal Goreng Teri & Sambal Terasi)? Plus, we did speak to a certain extent about terong? The bright purple sparkled fruit or veggie or said as warna ungu in Indonesian language and even in our Malay language?  A popularity in fact. Terong being a take for any cuisine around the world for the matter (Thai Style Eggplant). We too quite fancy terong (Japanese Eggplant Saute). Perhaps why I have already rolled out a couple of dishes and whatever said, brinjal in sambal must be one of the food prides. I don't know about my other half-half, most probably for him will still be Indian style to brinjal (Bengali Begun Bhaja, Baingan Bharta, Eggplant Tikka & Brinjal Stir Fry) but me myself can't be separated from sambal (Sambal Belimbing Bilis & Kacang Buncis Belacan). Terong Balado Pedas Manis? The modern twist or a modified version and according to Malaysian ingredients for a satisfying and fabulously exquisite Terong Belado Pedas Manis.   

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Kuih Kosui Gula Melaka

1/2 cup gula Melaka/palm sugar
White sugar  - as needed (if you want to add. I didn't)
1 1/2 cups water
3/4 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup tapioca flour
A few pandan leaves - knotted 
Fresh grated coconut mixed with a pinch of salt.
Simmer gula Melaka with pandan leaves and water for a thick syrup.
Remove from heat and cool it down slightly. 
Sift all purpose flour and rice flour over the gula Melaka syrup. 
Whisk and stir so that there's no lumps of flour.
Pour on a steaming tray or individual moulds.
Steam to cook.

Thereafter cut and roll over grated coconut.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Dubai - One Day Tour

Plan all your want for an uninterrupted holiday, whether on your own or in a tour, sometimes somethings are bound to happen for catching us off guard. Believe me. I honestly know what I am talking about, I hope you are not doubting me. Look, I am in no way trying to brag. Of course not, for someone like me who have already trigger started seeing the world, I do come with my share of the interrupted and unexpected. It all started during my first ever, yes, my first, across the sea Italy holiday (Rome 2 Days) with my other half-half whereby the interrupted caught up with us when our coach broke down. By the time help came and coach was back like a transformer, we had to ditch aside Milan sightseeing (Verona & Milan). Akin gone forever, unless I make another trip to Milan. Then came my Malacca holiday (Philea Resort). Another first time ever, yes, my first out of my house exploring another place compared to all the years of staying put on my familiar ground, the couple I travelled with did open my mind on why it is important to travel with the right people. They of course were not, hell, not only I had to spend my money, the worst of it was putting up with their antic (Malacca Malaysia Part 2). Nevertheless, I must thank them. Otherwise, I wouldn't even have considered travelling on my  own. Solo and Nava K.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Istanbul - Topkapi Palace & Grand Bazaar (Turkey)

A full circle from this end to the other, akin we went around Turkey's full moon, for returning to  Istanbul where arrived on the first day (I Conquered Istanbul). In all fairness, its been absolutely a joyous trip-travelling throughout the last 7 days. Indeed. But that packing almost every other day for moving from one hotel to the hotel, trust me, in some way or rather did get to us (Canakkale/Kusadasi/Pamukkale, Cappadocia & Ankara & Bolu) . Tiring. I too was caught in the web of winter. My first ever winter experience, I didn't come prepared because I relied on the tour agent's advise. I was told that thick jackets will do, when in factual fact, let me tell you that winter literally killed me. No other choice, I had to buy two winter coats during our visit to the retail outlet, thank god my credit card saved me. Otherwise, I can't imagine how would I have coped. But fortunately though, winter in Istanbul was rather tolerable. I didn't had to three or four times layer my body.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Turkey – Ankara & Bolu (I Conquered Turkey)

Routing out of Cappadocia, the first stop for the day, supposedly another knowledge thirsting visit, when it actual fact the catch was another marketing and sales gimmick (Cappadocia Turkey). No doubt, sincerely, this visit of ours in Hanem Arts Centre, in all fairness, I must say did expose us on semi-precious and precious as Nava K gemstones from beneath Turkey. (Canakkale/Kusadasi/ Pamukkale & Istanbul) Honestly, we did gather some knowledge on how stones are carefully harvested and cut-shined-polished, thereafter either sold as individual pieces or mounted in/on jewelries. The best part of it all was that there’s no hold barred to picturing. Yes, you can put your phone or camera to use compared  to those outlets I have visited in other countries (Krabi ThailandPerth Australia & Bangkok Thailand). Took me by surprise until I made it a point for checking with the staff. He reaffirmed it. Such an unorthodox liberal business think-tank I believe must be looked up at. Respect and thumbs up to these people. Having said that, no matter what, I am not gamed for precious gems. Not at all. Unsure I am if the rest bought, but I can vouch that all of us did marvel over those impressive glittering gems.   

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Sardine Varuval (Dry Style)

1 big can of sardines - drain off the sauce
1 inch ginger - chopped/sliced
1 red onion - chopped/sliced
4 garlic - chopped/sliced
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1 tbsp plain chilli powder
Lime juice - as needed
2 sprigs curry leaves
2 sprigs spring onion - sliced thinly
Salt for taste
2 tbsp of oil
Saute ginger, onion, garlic and curry leaves in oil.
Add sardines with chilli powder, turmeric powder and salt.
Fry over high heat and break sardines into smaller pieces.
Add lime juice and spring onion.
Stir again and dish out.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Turkey - Cappadocia (I Conquered Turkey)

How did this day go by? Pretty much a day taken up by road travelling. Right after breakfast and till we arrived late evening in Cappadocia ( Canakkale/Kusadasi/Pamukkale  & Istanbul Turkey ). Of course loo and meal breaks were not compromised, thanks to our pleasant tour guide who made it a point in enlivening us by sharing his knowledge on Turkey. This adorable guide also gave us a five minutes quickie break at the roadside where by right stopping is not allowed, but he still went ahead since we couldn't contain our excitement of seeing snow for the first time. I made sure a candid shot of me snow playing was captured, and within the next jiffy, we dashed back into the coach. 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Canakkale/Kusadasi/Pamukkale - I Conquered Turkey

On the same day itself, by 5.00pm (I Conquered Istanbul) we journeyed to Canakkale. Quite a long tiring journey, imagine sitting put in the coach for approximately 5 hours? Basically, patiently journeying and none else. None potentially, neither can you see anything outside because, believe me when I say that winter darkness will set it latest by 6.00pm, In fact even earlier. Wish there are internal flights in Turkey for flying us from one city to the other, hopefully there will be in the near future, but I guess for the time being, you don't have much choice except coach driven or if you self touring, you may consider hiring a car. This coach driven I think is sincerely a whole lot better because it does ease you from tiring yourself for no apparent reason and if you are sleeping beauty, better still. Some people I know can literally shut down anywhere, not me though. I did catnap in between, movie watching was also going on and tour guide did try to keep us entertained by speaking for the first half an hour. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Istanbul, Turkey - I Conquered Istanbul (Part 1)

One of the things I learned about this whole composite of globe seeing is that I have so little tolerance for people who just simply must complain about everything and anything under the sun while travelling. In fact, I am yet to bump into someone who actually can be, lets not expect perfection, but even an adaptable travel companion is really hard to come by. Everyone I have traveled with before, somehow or rather, end up showing their ugly colours. Some really must branded as pathetic stingy idiots, whereas others, sorry guys, I have call them hard-core bitches. I guess the more we companionship travel, the more we discover different peculiar characters and behaviours. What else is new? Experiences without a doubt are major lessons to life. Trust me, I have already gathered suitcases of it by my fifties (Hanoi Vietnam). Additionally, I must thank those who post loving friendship travelling pictures on social media, yet in return, they do, wonder why, call me thereafter for massively bitching about travelling friendship disasters. Reality versus fake social media world. Indeed, the truth is out there, maybe some just refuse to accept. Travelling with family, let me warn you can be worse than hammer house of horror. Logically why I will stick to travelling on my own, now and forever (Chonburi & Pattaya - My Solo Trail). 

Monday, February 2, 2015

Mee Siam Kuah/Gravy (Vegetarian)

Anything is possible these days. Of course. I'm not in denial by the way that anything can be a matter even for food intake. In fact, considering that many are jumping into the back wagon of being a vegetarian, only god knows why, Indians on the whole we shouldn't speak about, there are many possibilities to a vegetarian meal these days. What about me, are you asking? Neh! Never have I thought of being a full blown vegetarian (Maggi Goreng Mamak & Mee Rebus Vegetarian). Of course every now and then, in fact every once a week, I am in the making. The making of a vegetarian meal (Chinese Vegetarian Noodle Soup & Mee Rojak Vegetarian) for my other half-half, and me, I can basically go with the flow. Out came this Mee Siam Kuah/Gravy Vegetarian on this particular Saturday from my kitchen and to our dining table. Mee Siam? I have already spoken about before (Nyonya Mee Siam, Singapore Mee Siam & Mee Siam)? I did. Mee Siam Vegetarian? Nothing is short coming or going. Still a delightful and really slurpy delicious, complete wholesome meal. Oh, for those of you who are anti-egg vegetarian, ditch egg aside and Mee Siam I think must have originated from Thailand? I don't know. You tell me please (Thapthim Krop, Tom Yum Noodle Soup & Siamese Laksa Lemak).

Monday, December 15, 2014

Tom Yum Noodle Soup

So, its back to Tom Yum again? Obviously. Though we did actually have a break from tom yum for like three months and then out came this latest version. But rather a different food calling actually due to its noodles in tom yum soup and which by far I have not made before. Perhaps the closest is Tom Yam Fried Mee Hoon or maybe I should also include Siamese Laksa Lemak. Nevertheless, what can be outstanding or unique for tom yum (Vegan Tom Yum Soup, Tom Yum Goong, Tom Kha Gai & Seafood Tom Yum Soup)? The pride and pleasure must be the various types of herbs, primarily kaffir lime leaves and lemongrass, and let's not never forget about chillies, plus I love fish sauce into tom yam or Thai dishes on the whole. Tom Yum Noodle Soup as you have already noted is not far behind in terms of some of the ingredients and it is also a tremendously sumptuous, fulfilling and power lashing noodle dish (Thai Tomato Soup, Shrimp Pad Thai Salad, Thai Fish Noodle Soup, Tom Yum Fried RiceSpicy Thai Noodles). 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Fried Fish with Soy Sauce

How easy sometimes it can be. Not always though and unless and until you decide you want easiness. Easiness by far can take place in your and my kitchen as well (Mapo Tofu & Fried Prawn Wanton)? Of course. Without a doubt when we don't feel like rolling aplenty pots and pans and we actually yearn for simplicity. Take this Fried Fish with Soy Sauce (Ikan Masak Kicap) as an example. I actually got the fish monger to clean the fish  (Yong Tau Foo) and when I returned home, I gave fish a good rinse in lime water, prior to moving on to cooking (Fish Ball Noodle Soup). Cooking basically meaning dusting fish with corn flour, rice flour and seasoned by pepper and salt, thereafter deep fried and removed from wok. Up next? Frying ginger till crispy (Thai Crispy Fish & Chilli Lime Fish) and kept aside, before making the easy sauce and this sauce, as well as fried ginger going over fried dish and spring onion garnished. Over, over. Our Fried Fish with Soy Sauce is ready (Nyonya Acar Fish & Teochew Steamed Fish).

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Mapo Tofu

Mapo Tofu! As far as I know, Mapo Tofu is Sichuan coming and calling dish. Most probably. Me and Sichuan dishes (Sichuan Chilli Prawns & Sichuan Noodle Soup)? In fact, Chinese food on the whole for the matter (Fried Prawn Wanton) and do I have speak about tofu? A favourite in my house. Always and forever. Any which way will do for tofu which comes in different made these days (Tofu Manchurian, Tofu Green Beans Stir Fry & Tofu Scambled Eggs). For Mapo Tofu, I actually opted for Japanese Tofu instead of the white ones. Why, are you asking me? No particular reason. I just thought I want to show you that you can make Mapo Tofu from Japanese egg tofu (Tofu Katsu) and this my version is a totality on it own. Basically different and outstanding due to me wanting to use my at home ingredients instead of? Why buy ingredients when you can make do with what you already have stocked up? Potentially. Mapo Tofu? Tad bit of spiciness, tad bit of saltiness, spring onion garnished and soft tofu (Chinese Tofu Soup, Spinach Tofu Stir Fry & Indian Tofu Curry).

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Fried Prawn Wanton

Fried Prawn Wanton. My-My! Such a fab kinda crunch and munch right? I know. Fried stuffs especially on the whole? You tell me. In fact, when these wanton skin parcel filled with prawns came out from my wok, a few actually went missing immediately. Not anywhere far, but our tummy tucking actually. By themselves, or when dipped into chilli sauce prior to having a ball of a time and as many as we want till all the fried prawn wanton are over and done, perhaps within a short while, what a delight. How do we make these prawn wantons? I think I have already alerted you. In fact in my previous recipes as well (Hong Kong Wonton Noodle Soup & Chicken Wanton Soup) and this latest variety is sort of the cousin of the previous Fried Shrimp Wanton. Only that, the tedious thing for me when prawns are a concern (Mee Goreng Udang, Hokkien Hae MeeMongolian Prawns, Goan Prawn Curry, Butter Prawns & Prawn Coconut Milk)? The peeling and cleaning, especially the time taken pulling out the veins. Otherwise, all is fine with prawns though I must say we are not the biggest fans of prawns (Sichuan Prawns & Chinese Prawn Fritters). Of course, there is always the once a while and these Fried Prawn Wanton, trust me, are super yummy, super crunchy and super beautifully plated up. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Nescafe Chocolate Cake (Eggless)

Buying ingredients is one thing, the other of course is making sure we use or finish them up. Potentially we should right? Otherwise, don't you think its such a waste to our money? I know. I in fact have been trying to finish up the box of quality cocoa powder I bought and seemingly there is no end (Eggless Molten Lave Cake, Chocolate Genoise & Cocoa Butter Cake). Greedy me actually. Instead of buying a small box, me the hero bought a big box. Henceforth, I am like racing in finishing it up and thank god, I decided to let go of the brakes towards this Nescafe Chocolate Cake (Milo Cake Eggless). But instead of getting excited again by buying coffee, I told myself. What the hack. I will make do with Nescafe which is by our favorite coffee brand. Not at all a regret. Nothing in fact was regrettable. Obviously, Nescafe instead of coffee, plus cocoa powder (Chocolate Cheesecake, Marble Cake & Chocolate Rum Tart) and the rest of the ingredients listed below for this eggless cake (Eggless Mandarin Orange Cake). Nescafe Chocolate Cake? Like a dark knight splendid attractiveness. Coffee and cocoa in one, super moist (Easy Banana Bread, Traditional Butter Cake & Sujee Cake) and vanilla scented winning eggless cake. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Thai Style Eggplant

Eggplant, aubergine or brinjal. All from the same family tree right? Except maybe their shapes and sizes and at times, color code as well. Eggplant in fact is a favourite in my house for all sorts of dishes, including in curries as well (Nadan Meen Curry). In fact, I can go on and on and speak about eggplant, but potentially it will be best I stick to this recipe for the day. Thai Style Eggplant. Thai cuisine and Nava K (Vegan Tom Yum Soup, Thai Fried Chicken & Lamb Massaman Curry)? Pretty much says it all and after,  and Thai Style Eggplant basically is fried eggplant in a spicy, tangy and kaffir lime leaves scented attractive gravy/sauce. Oh, a vegetarian variety too (Bengali Begun Bhaja, Baingan Bharta, Japanese Eggplant Saute, Eggplant Tikka & Brinjal Stir Fry).

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Gobi Manchurian

The dry style Gobi Manchurian (Tofu Manchurian) instead of in a sticky and gooey sauce. Personally, to tell you the truth, I don't like the sauce. Sauce which will absorb into batter fried gobi/cauli (Shahi GobiCauliflower Curry & Aloo Gobi) and for making them soggy even before you tuck in. I in fact actually prefer Gobi Manchurian for their crunchy crispiness and when eaten hot-hot once out of the frying pan, oh-my-mamma-mia (Cauliflower Pakora & Cauliflower Fritters). Furthermore, I must mention that we sort of to a certain extent have a sincere love towards gobi/cauliflower which these days are really affordable. How do we make Gobi Manchurian? My style Gobi Manchurian? Almost like making Gobi 65, but this is the kid friendly non spicy, maybe optimal level of spiciness and curry leaves and cumin seeds scented Gobi Manchurian (Bengali Begun Bhaja). 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Eggless Molten Lava Cake

Hunny Bunny sugar rush and candy crush sweet treat. Literally for rushing and heightening your sugar rush (Chocolate Genoise, Easy Banana Bread & Cocoa Butter Cake). Believe me. Believe me as well that I have been baking. I have. Unsure I am what got into me, but when it gets in, I am on the go for baking (Lemon Bars, Traditional Butter Cake, Sujee Cake & Marble Cake). Daily meals cooking of course shouldn't be forgotten. In fact, it is an utmost priority and every now and then when time permits, I get down to baking. Most probably when my hormones won't stop raging and I think after baking, hormones sort of settle down without me realizing. During this round of my hormones like twisting and turning me, I quickly looked for a recipe and after reading through a couple of few, I decided I will make Eggless Molten Lava Cake. The microwave using concept instead of oven inside (Chocolate Rum Tart). Easy-preasy, like easy on the go, within minutes making and once Eggless Molten Lava Cake out came from my microwave oven, oh what a joy. Oozy gentle eruption of lava (Chocolate Cheesecake) once you fork in and surrounded by soft melting moment cake (Milo Cake Eggless, Mandarin Orange Cake Eggless & Cayenne Chocolate Cookies Eggless). 

Friday, September 26, 2014

Vegan Tom Yum Soup

Thai cuisine or even tom yam/tom yum for the matter. A big Thai matter actually for me. You name it, I have it (Thai Fried Chicken, Thai Steamed Fish, Thai Crispy Fish & Shrimp Pad Thai Salad) and tom yum by itself has been a good and great making exploration on the whole. Basically, because we simply love slurping into tom yum soups or other Thai conclusive soups. Just so satisfying to our palates mind you, especially for their big, profound and utterly magical spicy, tangy and aromatic tastes (Thai Tomato Soup, Tom Yam Goong, Tom Kha GaiThai Carrot Soup & Thai Fish Noodle Soup). Today, ladies and gentlemen, its Vegan Tom Yum Soup. In fact, can be regarded as a vegetarian version as well. Make the broth and then go ahead by adding the rest of the ingredients as listed for a sincerely appreciated Vegan Tom Yum Soup (Tom Yam Fried Rice, Tom Yam Chicken & Tom Yam Mee Hoon). 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Kerabu Taugeh

Kerabu? Remember those kerabu or Malaysian raw salads I have already shared with all you guys (Kerabu Kacang Botol, Kerabu Mangga & Kerabu Kaki Ayam)? Plus of course, the rest from this and that part of Asian Continent (Cambodian Green Mango SaladSri Lankan Carrot Salad & Asian Watermelon Salad) and me, the Indian who just so love our ulam, local herbs and Malaysian local produce for my cooking and eating pleasure (Nasi Ulam, Kacang Buncis Cili, Sambal Belimbing, Gado Gado & Nasi Dagang)? Tell me please and I will return willingly tell you on this Kerabu Taugeh, aka, Bean Sprouts Salad. Obviously, point blank said, you need beansprouts which you just need to break the brown bottom of them and then, if you asking me, just buy the kerisik (pan fried and pounded grated coconut). What's next? Quickly blanch bean sprouts (Bean Sprouts Omelette & Bean Sprouts Salted Fish) and tossed alongside kerisik, shallots, red chillies, coriander leaves, spring onion, lime juice, sugar and salt. Refreshing, crunchy, spicy, tangy and aromatic Kerabu Taugeh/Bean Sprouts Salad is ready. Go ahead everyone. Devour in.  

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Chocolate Genoise

On the go. Baking is still on the go? Looks like it, but perhaps sooner or later, most probably sooner I foresee I will be pulling the brakes to baking (Easy Banana Bread & Cocoa Butter Cake). Enough. I think enough of practice and trying to make perfect, and also putting some much of effort on baking. Done it and I am quite satisfied actually (Lemon Bars, Mandarin Orange Cake, Milo Cake & Sujee Cake). Pretty much satisfaction attained, but I thought I will still do one for the road and out came from the oven this Chocolate Genoise. The other side of the coin to Classic Genoise. Of course the intention was also for finishing up the box of cocoa (Chocolate Cheesecake & Cayenne Chocolate Cookies). Chocolate Genoise as you can see is an ultimate sweet delight right? And the technic to making? Remember, the folding must be done daintily and without rushing. Otherwise? You tell me please (Traditional Butter Cake). 
3 eggs (room temperature)
80g sugar
30g warm melted butter 
70g cake flour
15g cocoa powder
15g corn flour

Create a double boiler (a bowl placed on top of a pan simmering with water)
Whisk eggs and sugar (on the bowl) till slightly warm and foamy.
Remove from heat.
Whisk to the ribbon stage (drop to see a line)
Combine/mix cake flour, corn flour and cocoa together. 
Sift the flour mixture over the egg mixture.
Carefully fold in. Do not over fold but ensure there's no lumps. 
Stream warm melted butter inside and fold in.
Tip cake mixture onto a greased baking pan (size depends on how thick or thin you prefer the cake)
Bake at 170C (preheated for 5 mins) for about 40 mins or until cooked.
(Note; adjust heat according to your oven and baking time, depending on the size of the pan).
Remove from oven, cool down and optional - dust some icing sugar atop. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Mathi Achar

Mathi Achar. Kerala Sardine Fish Achar or Kerala Sardine Fish Pickle. Says it all. Me and my love for fish achar (Nyonya Acar Fish) or even salted fish pickle (Pada Salt Fish Pickle & Salted Fish Pickle). And so, you think I would have had major kitchen struggle in making Mathi Achar? I don't think so because I have to some extent, mastered my cooking skills towards Kerala cuisine (Nadan Meen Curry, Fish Puttu, Tuna Thoran & Malabar Fish Curry & Kerala Fish Fry). Of course, I must admit I did refer to a couple of recipes, but at the end of it all, I decided I will stay true to my own Mathi Achar cooking invention and fish by themselves, do I have to repeat myself again and again (Fish Ball Noodle Soup, Malu Kirata/Sri Lankan Fish Coconut Stew, Indonesian Fish Balado, Mauritian Fish Curry & Ikan Masak Kicap)? Moreover, sardines are not only a popularity in Kerala, but here in Malaysia too. So, sardines they were. Masala enhanced fried sardines tipped into a spicy and full of utmost power packed vinaigrette. Oh-My! What a fish pleasure. Made ahead and having Mathi Achar as you wish whenever you yearn for, for your rice meals (Sardine Masak Lemak).

Monday, September 1, 2014

FIsh Ball Noodle Soup

Fish Ball Noodle Soup. No, no. Not market bought fish balls, but made from a scratch, home made fish balls. Yes. Indeed. I made fish balls for a change. Can you believe it? For someone like me who is, if not always, sometimes taking the door to ready made ingredients (Hong Kong Wonton Noodle Soup, Sichuan Noodle Soup &  Bee Hoon Soup), I actually did it for these fish balls in noodles and soup. Why, are you asking me? Well, what should I tell you? Maybe because I wanted fish broth (Cambodian Sour Fish Soup & Vietnamese Fish Soup) from the bones after carefully stripping away fish flesh (Yong Tau Foo) for fish balls. Not bad right? I know. In fact, we had a ball of a time over this Fish Ball Noodle Soup. Really bouncy and no smell soft fish balls, and as I have already told you, fish bones and skin simmered for extracting the broth (Nyonya Spicy Fish Noodle Soup, Salted Fish Bone SoupThai Fish Noodle Soup & Penang Assam Laksa). Next? Hand crafted and hand rolled fish balls cooked in the broth till they floated atop and together with the broth, generously poured over noodles, garnished with fried shallots and fried basil leaves atop just my invention at the spur of the moment from the basil leaves grown in my garden. Of course, you can use spring onion or even coriander leaves. Conclusively, Fish Ball Noodle Soup, wouldn't you agree is making your hungry right now and imagine, what a feeling when tucked in during and after rain has fallen down from the sky (Hokkien Hae Mee, Chinese Chicken Noodle Soup & Chinese Vegetable Noodle Soup)?

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Malu Kirata

There is Kiri Hodi and there is also Malu Kirata, or Sri Lankan fish coconut stew. Furthermore, when we speak about Sri Lankan food on the whole, how can not include coconut milk mostly (Sri Lankan Carrot Salad) for whichever dish for the matter (Sodhi)? You bet. Of course, we Asians pretty much love the concept of coconut milk tipping into our cooking as well. In fact, why go so far. Even for our Malaysian savory dishes (Salted Fish Pineapple Coconut Stew & Shrimp Coconut Milk) and even for our desserts (Pumpkin Sago Dessert) and I think fish is a diet for maybe everyone around the world regardless whether we are surrounded by sea or not. Over in Malaysia too (Malaysian Fish Sambal) and in my house particularly, we are fish dependent at least twice or once a week and who can be a better Malaysian to speak about fish except Nava K. Various types of fish dishes from near and far beyond has already been my cooking skills (Nadan Meen Curry, Malabar Fish Curry, Meen Puttu & Thai Fish Noodle Soup) and I don't think there will be a full-stop to fish for as long as forever (Burmese Fish Biryani, Mauritian Fish Curry, Vietnamese Fish Soup & Bengali Fish Curry). This Malu Kirata was the latest trended in my kitchen. Perhaps not really the authentic kinda, but trust me, without compromising on Sri Lankan food fab. Masala fried fish tipped into a creamy and tangy coconut milk stew.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Wajik Pulut

Nothing like our Malaysian sugar and sweet delight. A big yes from me personally of course (Pumpkin Sago Dessert, Malaysian Sago Pudding, Kuih Buah Melaka & Bingka Pisang). Not to say I am anti Western desserts, but by far the joy is forever Malaysia made desserts, aka kuih-muih and I might as well include other close to us Asian desserts (Thai Mango Sticky Rice) though so little from other Asian continent I have made. Perhaps who knows in the near future? Maybe. Today, the dessert card I have drawn is this Wajik Pulut (Sweet Glutinous Rice Cakes). Nevertheless, not the traditional or typical one like those made by my mum. Those stirred for almost hours and really heavy sugar loading. I on the other hand decided I can limit the amount of sugar and who said you can't? Not me, lemme repeat myself again. Oh please! Gone are the days we think unless we go heavy on sugar, our Malaysian desserts will not turn out to be as expected. Not so true. Look at this Wajik Pulut. Says it all right? Made within like an hour and without my arms breaking into two. Ingredients for Wajik Pulut? Obviously, glutinous rice which you have to prior steam and later, tipped into the palm sugar, coconut milk and pandan leaves syrup and stirred till you obtain a thick rice mixture. Thereafter, tipping mixture in a tray before spreading evenly. Wajik Pulut? Sedap! Deliciousness! Hail our this, one of it as part of our kuih-muih/local delicacies.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Cocoa Butter Cake

Me and my baking story? I think you already know it (Traditional Butter Cake)? My pastime and not hobby. Baking definitely can't be my hobby (Lemon Bars, Mandarin Orange Cake & Milo Cake) and me and baking are not even distant cousins. In fact, we are like touch and go, hit and run, acquaintances. Wish I can actually develop my interest in baking, but trust me, seemingly still inconclusive. What then to the outcome of this happy-tummy, soft and moist Cocoa Butter Cake? The calling for using up the ingredients and maybe, practice must make perfect. Absolutely. Cocoa Butter Cake actually is the other side of the coin to my previous Marble Cake. And pretty much, we need the same ingredients right? Of course. But instead of doing the swirling, I decided I want to a contrast between the dark brown tone (Chocolate Cheesecake) and yellow buttery tone (Sujee Cake). Not at all a letdown. I am sure you are agreeing?

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Lemon Bars

Made once before but it headed to almost to disaster. Not to say couldn't be eaten, but I personally didn't like how the pictures of the previous lemon bars.  So, I deleted the recipe after leaving it uploaded in this space of mine for a year. Not at all regrettable because when I decided to make Lemon Bars again, I already knew it. Which and what ingredients and also keeping the oven temperature in control for the birth of these Lemon Bars. Lemons of course, tell me about it? Scent and their tanginess and tartness (Lemon Cashew Rice &  Baked Lemon Chicken). Oh my, I can feel my tongue being tickled right now, and pretty much lemons jiving and dancing well in savory and sweet pleasures (Lemon Cream Pie & Lemon Buttermilk Cake). Naturally then, do we have say anything else when these Lemon Bars are a concern? Oh-my-my. Simply the melting and crumbling moment. The moment you daintily bite in and the scent of lemon an ultimate dessert time (Nescafe Ice Cream, Classic Genoise, Mandarin Orange Cake, Saffron Poached Pears & Chocolate Cheesecake).

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Nyonya Mee Siam

Upgraded and updated. The simply fried Mee Siam heightened and enlivened to another style for the birth of Nyonya Mee Siam. Moreover, in between I also gave a good run to my cooking knowledge by making the gravy/kuah Singapore Mee Siam. Nyonya Mee Siam, aka Mee Siam Goreng personally for me, I think you know it. Me and my Nyonya cooking I picked up by lending my ears to my friends, watching cooking programs (Siamese Laksa Lemak) and of course, my own experience of testing and trying and making those Nyonya dishes. Also, when we speak about the Nyonya community, we have the Malacca Baba Nyonya and Penang Nyonya clan (Penang Acar, Penang Curry Mee & Penang Assam Laksa).

Monday, March 31, 2014

Nadan Meen Curry

Back and forth, to and fro, bouncing here and there, finally, after like thinking again and again, I decided it will be a fish curry from the land of Kerala and known as Nadan Meen/Fish Curry (Meen PuttuMalabar Fish Curry, Tuna Thoran & Kerala Fish Fry). Thank god I decided. Otherwise, I would have most probably taken the easy way out by making a similar fish curry like before. Which by far would have been still be accepted in my house (Fish Head Curry, Salted Fish Bone CurryMeen Muringgaka Kulambu & Assam Fish Curry). Then again, don't we long for a change, even when its our food tucking in? Of course, if you are asking me. Moreover, I too like the cooking challenge in inventing new dishes for like automatically upgrading my food knowledge (Burmese Fish BiryaniMauritian Fish Curry & Bengali Fish Curry) and pretty much Kerala cuisine is quite a familiarly to me (Tapioca Stir FryCabbage Thoran & Beans Thoran).  Nadan Meen Curry. Canned sardine, brinjal, coconut milk, tamarind juice and the power house of made from a scratch masala paste.

Pada Salted Fish Pickle: Authentic Eurasian Taste Sensations

Can you still recall my recipe for Portuguese Vegetable Pickle ? You might be wondering why I’m bringing it up. Well, this recipe for Pada S...