Monday, December 14, 2020

Mughlai Style Vegetarian Korma

Ever crave a different twist on a familiar dish? I know I do! In my house, we can't keep cooking the same style of dishes all the time - it gets boring! So, this time, instead of my usual Korma or Kurma Curry, I decided to shake things up with a Muglai Style Vegetarian Korma.


Korma, or Kurma, is a beloved dish in the Indian community and has gained popularity far beyond the Indian subcontinent. It's also a favorite in Malaysia, even among the Malay community. Let me not even mention how much Indians love Kurma, whether it's chicken, mutton, or the vegetarian version. Typically, Kurma makes its appearance during festival seasons and wedding functions, rather than as a daily meal, though it does show up occasionally.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Vegetarian Bayam Masak Lemak (Spinach Coconut Stew)

Isn’t it fantastic when you have people like Ms. Nava who can convert even Malay dishes to a vegetarian version (VEGETARIAN ASAM PEDAS)? I can’t tell you exactly how many among the Malays are vegetarians, though within the Malay community, dried shrimp, dried anchovies, and eggs might be considered vegetarian and added into their cooking, such as in masak lemak. That said, they do enjoy a lot of raw salads with sambal belacan, which I love too. 

Among the Chinese, more people are becoming vegetarians, and among Indians, it's quite common. For religious occasions or specific days, many Indians choose to be vegetarian as a way to honor their gods. It’s like a trend - one person becomes vegetarian and influences another. There's also a belief that being vegetarian makes you more religious and that you'll go to heaven, unlike Ms. Nava, who humorously says she might head to hell. But? You can decide what to say after the "but" because I’m done talking.

Chameleon Restaurant, Kota Kemuning: A Taste of the Hype

Whenever a new restaurant opens in Kota Kemuning, it generates significant excitement among local food enthusiasts. Chameleon Restaurant (No...