Monday, July 5, 2021

Indonesian Vegetarian Red Chilli Brinjal/Terung Kampung Masak Cabe Merah (Vegetarian)

Ahhh! Direct translation of recipes? The names primarily. Quite a thing in instances like for this dish - Terung Kampung Masak Cabe Merah. A vegetarian version (Indonesian Potato Tauchu, Water Spinach Salad, Spicy Fermented Soy Beans & Spicy Sweet Brinjal) obviously as I have mentioned. The thing as well? Even though my formal education till my secondary level has been in our local language, Bahasa Malaysia, which by far, as far as I know, can be regarded as a cousin of Indonesian language? I still struggled in translation the name of this recipe. Furthermore, due to, this dish is my invention based on all my previous Indonesian recipes. Still, the best thing is not to give up. Therefore, I have named it as Indonesian Vegetarian Red Chilli Brinjal.

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