Thursday, December 28, 2023

6 Key Components to Enhance Your Home Office Space

Creating an effective and comfortable home office requires careful consideration of several key components. With the rise of remote working, your home office has become more than just a temporary workspace; it's a place where productivity, comfort, and technology intersect. Here are six essential elements to consider for enhancing your home office space. 

Ergonomic Furniture

The cornerstone of any efficient home office is ergonomic furniture. This includes a chair that supports your back and promotes good posture, and a desk that is the right height to prevent strain. An ergonomic setup reduces the risk of work-related injuries and increases comfort, which can significantly boost productivity. For those long hours at the desk, consider a chair with adjustable lumbar support and a desk that allows for both sitting and standing positions. Remember, comfort in your workspace directly affects your work performance and overall health.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Summerset Cafe: Love-Bonding with the Influence of Digital Marketing

Occasionally, if not every weekend, "Nava's Cooking" is set aside for our love-marriage food bonding escapades (K2 Kopitiam, Teluk Panglima Garang). In this culinary journey, I proudly wear the badge of the passionate foodie, leading to explore eateries through the dynamic realm of social media platforms, where the power of digital marketing unfolds its possibilities. Otherwise, my other half-half tends to steer us towards Indian cuisine (The Grand Mapillai, Sec 23, Shah Alam), relying on recommendations from his "Teh-Tarik Gang." Interestingly, my other half-half, not very immersed in social media, leans towards the simplicity of a WhatsApp family group. I see this preference as a generational choice for sharing information from social media and digital newsprints, fostering a belief of being a step ahead or part of an exclusive class in news sharing - even if, at times, the news happens to be outdated or fake.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

The Grand Mapillai Restaurant Culinary Adventure

My other half-half has joined me in the exciting pursuit of discovering new eateries, a refreshing departure from his usual routine of sticking to familiar places and dishes. The news of his enthusiasm for suggesting novel dining spots was particularly thrilling, considering his previous tendency to opt for the same old eateries and stick to familiar dishes, playing it safe rather than venturing into culinary exploration. I've noticed that people's dining preferences are often influenced by those they choose to share meals with. Some tend to shy away from trying new eateries or exploring unfamiliar dishes unless compelled to by more adventurous companions (Ding Xiang Bak Kut Teh). I've made it a point to avoid dining with those who limit themselves to predictable and mundane food choices.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Never Waste Ingredients: Mathanga Thoran/Kerala Style Pumpkin Stir Fry

In my kitchen, I follow a golden rule - never waste ingredients. Every component in my pantry, fridge, and garden has a purpose, and I believe in making the most of every resource. This philosophy leads to creative culinary adventures, like the Mathanga Thoran, a Kerala (Kerala Pepper Chicken CurryStyle Pumpkin Stir Fry. The pumpkin used in this dish is what remained after preparing a delightful Pumpkin Fish Curry. Along with some curry leaves and green chilies from our urban garden at Nava's Zen.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

The WhatsApp Dilemma: Unmasking the Modern Social Disease

I mentioned WhatsApp in my previous article "Startup Lessons: The Unvarnished Truth." In this article, I'll be completely candid. WhatsApp has become a modern-day ailment, much like a contagious disease, and perhaps even worse. People now dedicate a significant chunk of their time to WhatsApp for various reasons. Let's dissect them.................

The Competition: It's quite peculiar. Whenever I post a picture of myself on my WhatsApp status, someone is quick to send me a photo in an attempt to prove that they look fantastic for their age. Did I inquire? Similarly, if I share a travel photo, they promptly forward me their travel pictures, complete with detailed travel plans. Did I request their input? The conclusion is either they're in competition with you or fervently desire to keep you informed about their life.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Creative Cooking: Pumpkin Fish Curry

Have you ever considered adding pumpkin (Vegan Pumpkin Soup) to your fish curry? It might sound unusual, even outlandish, but trust me, it's a culinary experiment that's worth trying (). I ventured into uncharted territory with my first attempt at Pumpkin Fish Curry, and the results were nothing short of fabulous (Pumpkin Salted Fish Curry). The inspiration for this dish? Well, it simply popped into my mind during one of my culinary musings.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Start-Up Solutions: Blogosphere as Your Website Alternative

Does an organization, regardless of its size and industry tenure, require a website? It's a compelling question, and from my perspective, there's no ambiguity - it's a necessity. Websites have become integral to businesses, serving various purposes, especially in showcasing products and services. One crucial function is establishing an online presence in the virtual and digital realms. Through a website, customers and clients can learn about your organization, its founders or team, philosophies, mission, and objective - essentially, the reasons for your existence in the business world and within a specific industry (Personal & Business Branding At Nava's Zen).

Thursday, December 7, 2023

The Symbiosis of Personal and Business Branding at Nava's Zen

Previously, I delved into the realms of personal branding and business branding, sharing my personal journey of realizing the importance of personal branding, particularly after establishing my fitness zen, Nava's Zen (Radiance Resilence: Personal Branding Trumphs). Today, let's harmonize my personal branding with my business brand, Nava's Zen. To be candid, bridging the connection between personal and business branding requires deliberate effort. While personal branding and business branding can exist as separate entities, aligning them necessitates thoughtful consideration. You need to delve deep, identifying connections without compromising your personal identity, beliefs, norms, and values.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Radiant Resilience: Ms. Nava's Journey Through Personal Branding Triumphs

Let's talk about branding today, focusing on personal branding and business branding. When it comes to business branding, it's about the identity associated with your products or services. This branding is often linked to the founder's philosophy, values, or beliefs. However, a business brand can exist independently of the founder, representing the brand itself, and that's perfectly acceptable. As I ventured into the business world with the establishment of Nava's Zen, I discovered the significance of personal branding, intricately connected to my business identity. Despite neglecting personal branding over the years, my role as a Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship & Small Business at Curtin University Twinning Program (via back then known as Metropolitan College) compelled me to share knowledge on business branding with my students.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Curry Leaf Chutney - A Delightful Accompaniment

Growing and caring for my curry leaf plant has been quite a challenge. Despite its lush growth, pesky black bugs often take shelter between the leaves, causing damage. I've tried various methods to get rid of them, but with limited success. So, I resort to pruning the affected parts and allowing the plant to regrow. During one of these pruning sessions, I decided to utilize the bug-free leaves to make some delicious curry leaf chutney.

Curry leaves offer numerous benefits and their delightful aroma is simply irresistible. They are a favorite ingredient in Indian dishes (Kerala Pepper Chicken Curry, Turmeric Cumin Rice & Spinach Lentil). Creating this chutney is surprisingly easy and straightforward. It pairs perfectly as an accompaniment with rice dishes, or as a dipping sauce for idli and dosa. You can enjoy this flavorful curry leaf chutney right away or store the leftovers in the freezer for later use.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Introducing Yoga Dance at Nava's Zen!

Exciting news! We're thrilled to share that we're not just another yoga center; we're a green living Zen of tranquility, setting us apart from the rest. Our unique selling proposition? We're the only ones in Kota Kemuning offering a green living yoga zen experience – Nava's Zen: Nature Oasis. But wait, there's more! We're also the exclusive provider of Yoga Dance in the area, stretching all the way to Shah Alam.


What's Yoga Dance, you ask? It's our brilliant fusion of yoga and dance rhythms, a delightful blend born from our own experimentation and client feedback. While our Yoga Dance community is growing, we know many are still unaware of this magical combination.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Effortless and Flavorful: Easy Potato Sambal/Sambal Kentang Senang

Let's talk about potatoes - a versatile ingredient that offers countless cooking possibilities. Potatoes hold a special place in my household. Whether they're added to curries (Drumstick Potato Curry), stir-fried (Indonesian Potato Tauchu), or prepared as the beloved Potato Sambal, they are always a top favorite, especially on our meatless or vegetarian days. Today, I'm offering this simple this delicious vegetarian dish, designed for minimalists like me who prefer using pantry-friendly ingredients.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Life Coaching for Personal and Business Branding Excellence

Reflecting on our earlier discussion (The Essence Of Coaching) about the rush to adopt the coach title, it's apparent that more individuals are associating themselves with coaching without credible credentials - a disconcerting trend. From fitness instructors adopting the term wellness coaches, to individuals in direct selling labeling themselves as wellness coaches, and even those qualified as mental health responders embracing the title of mental health coaches, the situation is disheartening. This misuse extends to various fields, including consultancy, event management, and marketing, where individuals assume the coach title without authentic coaching credentials.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Startup Lessons: The Unvarnished Truth

Starting and growing a business is a journey filled with invaluable lessons (Business Lessons: Linkedln), often learned the hard way. In my 1 3/4 years of entrepreneurship, I've encountered a multitude of these lessons (Challengers Faced By Indian Woman Entrepreneur). None were anticipated, and all taking me by surprise. The true significance of these "hard-knock" lessons is that they don't hit you all at once but rather over time, gradually instilling wisdom (Social Entrepreneurship: Pull Factors) I'll begin by sharing insights on friends and family.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Malaysian-Inspired Pork Chop Delight

Today's culinary delight features pork, a personal favorite of mine. Despite my affinity for all things porky, I've noticed a peculiar trend among my Indian acquaintances - they tend to shy away from pork, with many having never even tasted it. The prevailing perception seems to be that pork is a "dirty" meat, although its place in Hinduism, or lack thereof, remains largely unexplored.

In my observation, the reluctance to try pork stems from a preference for familiar foods among Indians - the cuisine they grew up with holds a special place in their hearts. Even my husband, for instance, abstains from pork without being able to articulate a specific reason why. It's a curious quirk of human behavior, isn't it?

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Exploring the Flavors of Kerala: A Delectable Pepper Chicken Curry

As an avid traveler with an insatiable wanderlust, I've had the privilege of exploring some parts of the world, and Kerala holds a special place in my heart (KOCHI KALEISCOPE). The beauty of its nature and the mouthwatering cuisine make it an unforgettable destination. Among the delightful dishes I encountered during my travels was the Kerala Pepper Chicken Curry. The marriage of crushed pepper, aromatic spices, and creamy coconut milk creates a truly yummilicious delight. Inspired by my culinary adventures (TRINUVANANTHAPURAM UNEPECTED DISCOVERIES), I've crafted my own modified version of this flavorful curry, utilizing the ingredients available at home. Allow me to share this delightful recipe with you - a taste of Kerala's culinary magic.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Inner Peace or Happiness: A Personal Choice

In life, we often come across the decision between two special feelings: inner peace and happiness. Many like the idea of being at peace within themselves, staying calm and balanced no matter what's happening outside. For them, inner peace is like a steady ship in the stormy sea of life. Others, like me, prefer happiness. They believe it's possible to be happy even without a particular reason. For them, happiness is like a bright light that shines from within. It can affect not only them but also everyone around them. It's like a warm, glowing feeling.

Inner Peace: The Calm Harbor

People who like inner peace find it comforting. It's like an emotional anchor that keeps them steady. No matter how crazy the world gets, they feel stable inside. It's all about feeling relaxed and in harmony with themselves. Inner peace doesn't go away when things get tough. It's always there to lean on. It's like a friend who stays with you, even when times are hard (Intriguing Mindfulness).

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Drumstick/Murungai Potato Curry - A Healthy and Flavorful Delight

If you're looking for a delicious and nutritious meatless curry, look no further than the Drumstick/Murungai Potato Curry. Packed with essential nutrients and bursting with flavors, this dish is perfect for vegetarians, vegans, and anyone seeking a wholesome meal. Curries are known for their health benefits, thanks to the powerful spices they contain, including chili powder, which aids digestion and provides relief from constipation and gas. In addition to the spices, the star of this recipe, the murungai (drumsticks) from the moringa tree boasts a host of health benefits, making this curry a true wellness wonder. As part of our Zen life, the drumsticks from Nava's Zen come from our own moringa tree. Let's delve into the recipe and explore its delightful taste and goodness.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

How To Design A Vegetarian Dinner Party Menu

Throwing a dinner party is the kind of thing you definitely want to get right, and it’s really something of an art because there’s so much planning and hard work to put into making sure everything goes off smoothly. However, when you get it right, and everyone has a good time, you’ll feel great and proud of what you’ve done, and your guests will have a positive and memorable experience. 

If you have a vegetarian guest, it isn’t always easy to make one dish just for them, and what could be an easier option is to design an entirely vegetarian menu. Not only does this make things easier for you, but it’s probably not something your veggie guest has ever experienced before, so they’ll love it. Plus, if you choose the right food and cook it well, your other guests will enjoy it too, and it might even show them what can be done when meat’s off the menu. With that in mind, here are some tips to help you design a vegetarian menu for your dinner party. 

        Photo by Rene Asmussen  

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Intriguing Mindfulness: Ms.Nava's Unique Perspective

Mindfulness, a concept open to interpretation, holds a special place in the heart of Ms. Nava. It all starts with nurturing a healthy mind that accepts the uniqueness of every individual's perspective. While academic theories and findings on mindfulness offer a wealth of knowledge, they also invite discussion, disagreement, and debate. Yet, the ultimate choice is ours, shaped by the workings of our own minds. For a deeper dive into my version of mindfulness, let's explore it together  

Mindfulness (The Abundance Of Mindfulness), in my view, begins with an understanding of what transpires within and around us. It encompasses our thoughts, emotions, feelings, and how we perceive the world. This mental landscape  (Mental Health) is intimately connected to the heart, where we discover more about ourselves and our interpretations of the external world. In my perspective, the two are intertwined.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

World Mental Health Day: Embrace Silence, Nurture Kindness

World Mental Health Day, yet every day should be dedicated to nurturing our mental well-being. Take a moment to observe your surroundings, and you'll quickly realize that each one of us, including myself, requires positive mental health. This awareness is essential because mental health can encompass both positive and negative aspects. Before delving into the subject of mental health, consider spending just one minute silencing your thoughts to listen to yourself. Only through self-listening can we truly assess our mental well-being. Otherwise, we may find ourselves preaching about mental health to others without addressing our own needs. It's paramount to start with self-awareness.

Monday, October 2, 2023

Sri Lankan Fish Curry/Malu Hodhi - A Modified and Creative Twist!

Are you ready to embark on a culinary journey to Sri Lanka with a mouthwatering fish curry recipe? Get ready to tantalize your taste buds with a modified and creative twist on the traditional Malu Hodhi, featuring the delightful flavors of Sri Lankan cuisine. While it may not be an exact replica of the authentic dish, this version is sure to impress with its fusion of spices, coconut milk, and a touch of creativity that makes cooking an artful expression.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Embracing the Fiery Passion: The Indispensable Chillies in Malaysian Cuisine and Gardening

In Malaysia, the love for spiciness runs deep in our culinary culture. Chillies, with their fiery punch, are an essential ingredient that adds a delightful kick to our dishes or serves as a zesty accompaniment. As Malaysians, we simply can't imagine our meals without that familiar spiciness. Whether it's a dash of sliced chillies mixed with lime juice and soy sauce or vinegar-soaked chillies, the craving for that distinct heat on our palates is insatiable. Join me as I share my experiences of seeking chilies abroad, the joys and challenges of gardening them, and the intrinsic connection between chilies and our well-being.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Indian Kachumber Salad: Tangy, Spicy, Crunchy

Are you craving a salad that bursts with tangy, spicy, and crunchy flavors, without the hassle of cooking (Malay Style Okra Salad)? Look no further than the North Indian-style Kachumber Salad - a refreshing, no-cook delight (Turkish Cucumber Salad) that will elevate your dining experience. This zesty salad pairs perfectly with rice, complements burgers, and is a mouthwatering topping for hot dogs in soft buns. The best part? It requires minimal effort, making it an excellent choice for entertaining guests (Indonesian Water Spinach Salad) or enjoying a quick, healthy treat. Prepare this salad in advance, refrigerate it, and serve it chilled - a perfect appetizer for any occasion.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Marriage and Culinary Exploration: Vietnamese Delights (Ding Xiang Bak Kut Teh Restaurant)

In the journey of marriage, we learn valuable lessons, and one of them is that you don't always have to compromise on your food preferences. Last Sunday, this lesson took me on a delightful food venture in Bandar Rimbayu. As my husband headed to a kopitiam for Indian cuisine (K2 Kopitiam), I found myself at Ding Xiang Bak Kut Teh Restaurant, craving Vietnamese flavors. This unassuming eatery, also serving Bak Kut Teh and Chinese dishes, offered a menu right on the table - a thoughtful touch.

Monday, September 4, 2023

Embracing Roses: Lessons in Resilience and Growth

Those who've been following my social media and blogosphere journey are likely aware of my deep passion for gardening (The Enchanting World Of Bunga Kantan/Torch Ginger). Gardening is not just a pastime for me; it's my pride, my joy, and the heart of my fitness sanctuary, Nava's Zen. I have a special affection for herbs, plants, fruit trees, and, more recently, roses. Initially, my attempts with roses were less than successful, but I dedicated myself to mastering the art of rose cultivation. Now, I take pride in the thriving blooms that grace my garden. Roses, with their exquisite beauty and enchanting fragrance, have found a special place in my heart.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

The Delights of K2 Kopitiam: A Foodie's Paradise

To be known as a foodie is to embrace culinary adventures, exploring flavors from all corners, be it the streets or coffee shops. While high-end restaurants often steal the limelight, it's essential to remember that delicious food can be found in unexpected places, such as Chinese coffee shops that have reinvented themselves as Kopitiams (Malaysia's Vibrant Street Food). In this blog post, we revisit K2 Kopitiam, located in Bandar Rimbayu, a bustling end-lot coffee shop, where we sampled an array of tantalizing dishes from its diverse stalls.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Bunga Kantan/Torch Ginger: Urban Farming's Culinary Gem

Have you ever caught a whiff of Bunga Kantan, also known as Torch Ginger or Torch Lily? If you have, you'll know the thrill it brings. And if you haven't, you're in for a treat. Beyond its enchanting scent, growing this plant is like adding a vibrant burst of green to your garden. Its simple elegance truly lights up any space. And when those torch-like blooms start to emerge, it's like witnessing a whole new level of natural beauty unfold right before your eyes. As an urban gardener passionate about cultivating local scents, my first attempt at growing torch ginger didn't quite go as planned. But let me tell you, the journey is just as enchanting as the destination.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Turmeric Black Cumin Rice - A Health is Wealth Dish

There's a common misconception that rice should be avoided if you're trying to lose weight. However, that couldn't be further from the truth! With the right approach, you can still enjoy a small portion of rice and maintain a balanced diet (Curry Leaf Coconut Oil Rice). Today, I bring you a delicious and wholesome rice dish that combines the goodness of turmeric and black cumin. This recipe not only satisfies your taste buds (Malay Style Turmeric Rice) but also contributes to your overall well-being (Blue Pea Rice). Let's dive into the delightful world of Turmeric Black Cumin Rice!

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Delicious Homemade Pakistani Biryani: A Vegetarian Twist

Making biryani at home (Burmese Biryani) is not something that happens every day. It involves a bit of time and effort to gather all the ingredients, but thankfully, the cooking process is simplified with the use of a rice cooker (Vegetable Biryani). Occasionally, however, biryani becomes a special treat, especially when I have guests coming over. Entertaining is a rare occasion for me, considering the amount of work involved - from cooking to serving, and not to forget the cleaning up afterward. But this time, I was in the mood for something extraordinary (Hyderabadi Vegetable Biryani).

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Mindfulness: Navigating the Modern World with Nava's Zen

In today's fast-paced world, mindfulness and its practice have become widely discussed and embraced by many. People from all walks of life are finding ways to incorporate mindfulness into their daily routines, recognizing its relevance amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life. It's intriguing how life has evolved from a simpler time, where relaxation and navigating through life seemed more attainable. Now, there is an incessant pursuit of success and grand dreams, yet simultaneously, there is a call to slow down and care for our minds.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Rendang Minangkabau/Chicken Rendang

When it comes to rendang, the world of flavors opens up with various types to explore (Chicken Rendang). While the common rendang is widely known, let's embark on a flavorful adventure with Rendang Minangkabau, a true gem originating from Indonesia. During recent trip to Indonesia, I had the pleasure of savoring this exquisite dish that is often found alongside other delectable offerings in the Nasi Padang spread. While the cooking technique may resemble the traditional rendang, the ingredients used in Rendang Minangkabau possess their own unique twist. In the attached video, I shared my firsthand experience and knowledge of Rendang Minangkabau, but now let's delve into the tantalizing recipe. Gather these ingredients to recreate the magic in your own kitchen.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

The Essence of Qualified Coaching: Beyond Empty Words and Intimidating Stares

In today's world, it seems like everyone is calling themselves a coach. However, the landscape is filled with a mix of qualified and unqualified individuals who are leveraging the term "coach" for personal branding purposes. While some resort to dubious tactics, true coaches bring substance and genuine expertise to their clients. As a qualified coach myself, I understand the importance of continuous learning and strive to provide a positive coaching experience. In this article, I want to shed light on a concerning trend I've observed and offer valuable insights for both aspiring and existing coaches. (Nature Oasis)

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Lavish Coffee House: A Treat for the Senses

Indulge in a culinary journey, for even food enthusiasts deserve a treat from time to time (Signature Tiffins Cafe). Whether it's to reward ourselves for our hard work and dedication or simply to savor life's pleasures, treating ourselves is a nourishment for both the mind and soul (He Ju Kopitiam & Nutz & Boltz). Today, at about 10:15 AM, we found ourselves at Lavish Coffee House (No 16-G, Jalan Eco Santuari 8/2B, Eco Santuari, Selangor) immersed in its captivating ambiance. The menu instantly caught our attention, offering a plethora of options to satisfy our cravings. Among the array of choices, we opted for Ladies Breakfast Set (RM23.00), which came with a steaming cup of Americano and a plate of Kampung Fried Rice (RM19.90), alongside a comforting Cafe Latte (RM9.90).

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Effortless Spinach and Lentil Delights: Nourishing Recipes Made Easy

Spinach, a leafy green vegetable packed with essential nutrients, has become a favorite for many due to its affordability and ease of cultivation in urban settings. Not only are spinach leaves a healthy addition to your diet, but their seeds also offer an opportunity for urban farming enthusiasts to grow their own fresh produce. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of spinach, its effortless cultivation, and a simple yet delicious recipe that is budget-friendly.

Friday, July 7, 2023

Thai Green Egg Curry: A Spicy Green Goddess

Eggs - they’re the universal culinary treasure, right? At my house, they’re a staple ingredient, always on standby for those emergency cooking situations. I mean, who doesn’t love the versatility of eggs? Countless dishes, endless creativity! But let's get to the basics: how do you boil your eggs for those perfect recipes? Let me share my trick. I wash them and pop them into the rice cooker while cooking rice.

Yep, you heard that right! I’ve boiled up to six eggs at once this way. Once the rice cooker clicks off, I run the eggs under cold water, so I don’t burn my hands, then crack and peel. Efficient and energy-saving, right?

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Signature Tiffins Cafe: Exploring a New Eatery in Bandar Rimbayu (Teluk Panglima Garang)

Two weeks ago, a fellow food enthusiast and I embarked on a delightful culinary adventure in Bandar Rimbayu, uncovering yet another food paradise. As a resident of Kota Kemuning, I was thrilled to find an expanding dining scene right in our own backyard. On a leisurely Sunday afternoon, we made our way to Signature Tiffins Cafe (Blossom Square, 7-G, Jalan Flora 1/4, Bandar Rimbayu, Teluk Panglima Garang, Selangor), a 20-minute drive away, and were pleased to discover that parking was a breeze. Bandar Rimbayu has truly evolved into a haven for food lovers (Nutz & Boltz, & He Ju Kopitiam) offering us an abundance of new and exciting eateries to explore, including those in Kota Kemuning.

Monday, July 3, 2023

A Foodie's Journey in Taman Tun Dr Ismail: Unveiling the Culinary Delights of Alora Spices

Usually, my food hunting adventures take place within Kota Kemuning. However, a week ago, I had the pleasure of venturing into Taman Tun Dr Ismail after a delightful outing with a dear friend in Bukit Bintang. In search of a satisfying late lunch, we stumbled upon Alora Spices, an Indian eatery that instantly captivated us with its inviting ambiance and clean atmosphere. Join me as I recount the flavorsome experience and delectable dishes that awaited us at this hidden gem.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Harnessing the Power of Sunblock: Safeguarding Your Skin's Future

Previously, I mentioned the importance of sunblock as part of my skincare routine (Achieving Clear and Healthy Skin), emphasizing its role in defending against the sun. However, in this post, let's delve deeper into why you must consider incorporating sunblock into your daily life, especially if you reside in countries like Malaysia, where scorching weather can take a toll on your skin (Nurturing Your Skin: Know Your Skin Type).

While we need the sun for vitamin D, the increasing frequency of hot weather due to climate change and the thinning ozone layer raises concerns. Temperatures soaring up to 45 degrees Celsius have become the norm. Regardless of the intensity of the heat, I firmly believe that sunblock is a necessity. It bewilders me how some individuals I know claim to remain unscathed by dark spots, pigmentation, wrinkles, and premature aging despite forgoing sunblock.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Exquisite Delights: The Aromatic Fusion of Curry Leaf Coconut Oil Rice

If you've been following my Zen Cuisines, it's no secret that I have a deep love for rice. Today, I want to share with you a rice dish that not only tantalizes your taste buds but also fits perfectly into a weight loss journey. Yes, you heard that right - you can still enjoy rice while shedding those extra pounds. Now, let's talk about dinner. I personally tend to avoid rice in the evening because it takes longer to digest, and we tend to be less active after our last meal of the day. Those unburned calories can easily lead to unwanted weight gain. However, I have a solution for you: a moderate portion of rice, primarily for lunch, a healthy and aromatic rice dish that will leave you satisfied without worrying about the calories.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Savoring Life: Embracing Guilt-Free Indulgences in a Healthy Journey

Living a healthy lifestyle is not a temporary endeavor that ends once we achieve our desired weight. It is a lifelong commitment that encompasses more than just torturing our palates. While striving for weight loss or maintaining a healthy weight (My Weigh Journey), it's important to understand that we don't have to completely deprive ourselves. Occasional indulgences can be a part of our journey, as long as we approach them sensibly. Instead of viewing it as a day to eat to excess, let's embrace the concept of a controlled indulgence - a guilt-free opportunity to savor our favorite treats.

Friday, June 23, 2023

A Delicious Evening Delight: Nutz N Boltz Quayside Mall Review

Last week, we decided to break our routine Sunday lunch outing and instead opted for a delightful dinner. Thanks to my accommodating husband for adjusting our plans, as I had some afternoon commitments to attend to. Being a woman entrepreneur, sometimes we need to shift priorities and adapt our schedules accordingly. Our destination for the evening was Nutz N Boltz Quayside Mall, Telok Panglima Garang. Although it had been around for some time, I hadn't explored it yet. As a passionate foodie, I felt it was time to personally experience the flavors and determine if the reviews I had read truly held merit. After all, tasting and discovering food ourselves allows us to form our own opinions rather than blindly relying on others' experiences, as our palates and preferences differ.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Nurturing Your Skin: Embracing Your Skin's Story

In my previous sharing, "My Daily Skincare Routine Revealed," I shared snippets of my journey toward healthier skin. Yet, amidst the bustling aisles of skincare products, there's a crucial chapter often overlooked: understanding your skin type. It's a journey of self-discovery, a narrative that unfolds uniquely for each of us.


Imagine standing in front of the mirror, feeling the texture of your skin beneath your fingertips, tracing the lines that tell your skin's story. It's not just about appearance - it's about listening to what your skin whispers to you, understanding its needs, its desires.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Nava's Masala Crab: A Spicy Delight for Seafood Lovers

Having crab at home is truly a feast for us. It's not something we indulge in regularly, but every few months, the craving for a delectable crab dish arises. In our Indian family, we particularly relish crab prepared in a thick masala or curry gravy - a tantalizing blend of spices that ignites our taste buds. When it comes to cooking crab, I reserve the legs or claws for a flavorful Indian crab soup, while the bodies take center stage in a fiery and aromatic dish. Pairing these two preparations together with a simple stir fry completes our seafood extravaganza.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Nature's Oasis: Transforming Spaces for Inner Peace and Wellness at Nava's Zen

Welcome to Nature's Oasis: Nava's Zen, where spaces are transformed into something truly extraordinary. As the founder of Nava's Zen, I want to share with you the remarkable connection we've forged with nature. We often think of nature in terms of expansive landscapes and outdoor sanctuaries, but at Nava's Zen, we've taken that magic indoors. Step into our world and be captivated by the blend of lush greenery and carefully placed plants. Our studio comes alive, invigorating your senses with the calming influence of nature's embrace. However, what truly sets us apart is our ability to transform unexpected spaces into havens infused with nature's essence.

Exploring the Versatility of Brazilian Spinach: A Hidden Gem in the Culinary World

Discovering new ingredients is always an exciting journey, and my encounter with Brazilian spinach, about four years ago, was nothing short of a delightful surprise. Prior to that, I had never even heard of this leafy green vegetable. Its origin remained a mystery, intriguing me to delve deeper into its background. Today, I not only grow Brazilian spinach myself, but also relish its diverse culinary applications. Join me as we explore this fascinating ingredient and its simple yet flavorsome Malaysian-style stir-fry recipe.

Monday, June 12, 2023

Growing and Cooking with Butterfly Blue Pea Flowers

The Butterfly Blue Pea flower, also known as Bunga Telang, is incredibly easy to grow. Just scatter the seeds on the ground or in pots, and they’ll sprout with little effort. The seeds come in pods, and there are plenty of them. I'm growing them along the fence in my fitness area, Nava’s Zen, and they thrive even without much attention

If you're an urban gardener like me, you should definitely consider these beautiful flowers. They bloom in stunning shades of purple or dark blue. No fertilizer is needed; just water them. Plus, these flowers are packed with antioxidants and offer various health benefits, such as aiding in weight loss, improving blood sugar control, and enhancing hair and skin health.


The Butterfly Blue Pea flower is versatile and has very few side effects, making it a great addition to your diet. However, it's important to enjoy it in moderation and check for any potential side effects, as what's good for one person might not work for another.

He Ju Kopitiam: A Culinary Adventure Through a Food Critic's Lens

We decided to check out a kopitiam, which has become quite popular lately. It seems that just using the word "kopitiam" in a restaurant's name attracts customers for different reasons. Kopitiams can be simple coffee shops serving Malaysian food or fancier places with nice decorations and air conditioning. The fancier ones may be a bit pricier, but they attract people with their tasty food and cozy atmosphere. The one we went to was somewhere in the middle, offering a variety of delicious dishes from both Malaysia and other countries on their menu.

Chameleon Restaurant, Kota Kemuning: A Taste of the Hype

Whenever a new restaurant opens in Kota Kemuning, it generates significant excitement among local food enthusiasts. Chameleon Restaurant (No...