Showing posts with label Noodles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Noodles. Show all posts

Monday, September 1, 2014

FIsh Ball Noodle Soup

Fish Ball Noodle Soup. No, no. Not market bought fish balls, but made from a scratch, home made fish balls. Yes. Indeed. I made fish balls for a change. Can you believe it? For someone like me who is, if not always, sometimes taking the door to ready made ingredients (Hong Kong Wonton Noodle Soup, Sichuan Noodle Soup &  Bee Hoon Soup), I actually did it for these fish balls in noodles and soup. Why, are you asking me? Well, what should I tell you? Maybe because I wanted fish broth (Cambodian Sour Fish Soup & Vietnamese Fish Soup) from the bones after carefully stripping away fish flesh (Yong Tau Foo) for fish balls. Not bad right? I know. In fact, we had a ball of a time over this Fish Ball Noodle Soup. Really bouncy and no smell soft fish balls, and as I have already told you, fish bones and skin simmered for extracting the broth (Nyonya Spicy Fish Noodle Soup, Salted Fish Bone SoupThai Fish Noodle Soup & Penang Assam Laksa). Next? Hand crafted and hand rolled fish balls cooked in the broth till they floated atop and together with the broth, generously poured over noodles, garnished with fried shallots and fried basil leaves atop just my invention at the spur of the moment from the basil leaves grown in my garden. Of course, you can use spring onion or even coriander leaves. Conclusively, Fish Ball Noodle Soup, wouldn't you agree is making your hungry right now and imagine, what a feeling when tucked in during and after rain has fallen down from the sky (Hokkien Hae Mee, Chinese Chicken Noodle Soup & Chinese Vegetable Noodle Soup)?

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Hokkien Hae Mee

Sometimes, don't we have the tendency to cook the same dishes again and again? In fact, if you are asking me about our daily meals, we usually repeat the dishes. Of course, the practically to cooking. I mean, how many new dishes do we actually initiate in a month or even every forth night considering our crisis for time and maybe because we have a certain liking for a specific dish? Mind you, its the same cooking story in my house as well regardless of the fact that since I started this space of mine, I have been exploring a whole lot of new dishes (Singapore Mee Siam, Siamese Laksa Lemak, Malaysian Fried Mee Hoon & Chinese Vegetable Noodle Soup). Not because I want to impress all of you, but for my own cooking pride and also I want to improvise on the dishes I have cooked before. Take this Hokkien Hae Mee as an example. Made before (Penang Mee Yoke) and I guess there's always such as thing as another round of another style or version.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Chinese Vegetable Noodle Soup

Don't ask me why and what not, I really can't tell you why even among the Chinese, there are vegetarians (Vegetarian Fried Mee HoonChinese Vegetarian Noodle Soup). Most probably due to religionism, I believe so and like the Indians, more and more Chinese (Chinese Herbal Chicken SoupChinese Fried Rice, Chay Kway TeowChicken Wanton Soup & Cantonese Yee Mee) are now opting for vegetarianism. Beat me why. Honestly I don't know. As it is, I myself am not a vegetarian, (Chinese Chicken Noodle Soup & Hakka Noodles) neither will I want to be because I can't be a meatless person, nor I am trying hard. Of course, every now and then, in fact my other half-half is a vegetarian (Vegetarian Chow Mein) every Saturday, not me though but I don't actually mind a vegetarian meal and I quite like the concept to a tasty to like this Chinese Vegetable Noodle Soup mostly, plus cooking such dishes mind you is not really mind boggling. Nevertheless, a flavorful vegetable broth definitely is a must (Old Cucumber Soup & Burdock Root Soup). Otherwise, vegetable noodle soup dishes will taste bland, and you can either make the broth or get the ready made store bought ones. Whichever, up to you and for this style Chinese Vegetable Noodle Soup, I doubt you will struggle in getting the ingredients as listed below. This my style Chinese Vegetable Nodle Soup seriously is flavorsome and unbeatable. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Singapore Laksa

Before you say anything and before you compared my this Singapore Laksa to the rest, let me have my say please. I as usual, you know the usual me who love to tweet and modify recipes for heightening it to another, my own higher level? I think I told you before? Can't remember precisely in which recipe or recipes (Nyonya Lam Mee, Prawn Curry Laksa, Hakka Noodles & Nyonya Curry Laksa), but I am crystal clear that I have conveyed my message loud and clear. There's no best formula for cooking, in fact, our own formula I must say is the best? However, whichever or whatever, as long as you have picked up the basic cooking skills and also you know it on which ingredients can be amalgamated with another, you are on the right track (Prawn Noodle Soup, Sour Spicy Fish Noodle Soup, Spicy Thai Noodles, Vegetarian Noodle Soup & Mee Rojak). Hence, pretty much I think I have directly or indirectly told you why my Singapore Laksa is unique and utterly different? Of course. Regardless, nothing has been compromised in terms of tastes (Laksam Kelantan & Mee Rebus). I can definitely assure you that this my version of Singapore Laksa will put a broad food smile on your face (Mee Siam, Fried Mee, Hokkien Mee & Char Kway Teow). What did I do anyway? Well, I took my own ideas from my own recipes (Penang Curry Mee, Penang Mee Yoke & Penang Assam Laksa) and? The birth of this thick, creamy, aromatic, coconut milk and fish Singapore Laksa. Dang!

Chameleon Restaurant, Kota Kemuning: A Taste of the Hype

Whenever a new restaurant opens in Kota Kemuning, it generates significant excitement among local food enthusiasts. Chameleon Restaurant (No...