Showing posts with label Eggs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eggs. Show all posts

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Lemon Bars

Made once before but it headed to almost to disaster. Not to say couldn't be eaten, but I personally didn't like how the pictures of the previous lemon bars.  So, I deleted the recipe after leaving it uploaded in this space of mine for a year. Not at all regrettable because when I decided to make Lemon Bars again, I already knew it. Which and what ingredients and also keeping the oven temperature in control for the birth of these Lemon Bars. Lemons of course, tell me about it? Scent and their tanginess and tartness (Lemon Cashew Rice &  Baked Lemon Chicken). Oh my, I can feel my tongue being tickled right now, and pretty much lemons jiving and dancing well in savory and sweet pleasures (Lemon Cream Pie & Lemon Buttermilk Cake). Naturally then, do we have say anything else when these Lemon Bars are a concern? Oh-my-my. Simply the melting and crumbling moment. The moment you daintily bite in and the scent of lemon an ultimate dessert time (Nescafe Ice Cream, Classic Genoise, Mandarin Orange Cake, Saffron Poached Pears & Chocolate Cheesecake).

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Classic Genoise

Me and baking again? Honestly, I really don't know what got into me. But seemingly, I was still gamed for baking (Mandarin Orange Cake & Oatmeal Raisin Cookies). I guess sometimes we don't have answers to what we do or badly want to do? Supposely! Nevertheless, the dilemma or deciding fact couldn't be none more except which kinda cake and out of somewhere, in fact after referring to my own recipes and one shared by my friend, my baking enthusiasm spiralled towards Classic Genoise. Which requires further whisking of eggs and sugar once they have been whisked till slightly warm and foamy over double boiler (water boiling in the bottom pan, eggs and sugar in a bowl atop). A prerequisite crucial technic before gently folding cake flour and corn flour, and alternating between warm melted better for the outcome of such a really soft, crumbly and heaven taking you Classic Genoise (Traditional Butter Cake, Milo Cake & Sujee Cake).

Monday, August 26, 2013

Kiri Hodi

We spoke about coconut milk, didn't we. Of course we did, if you can recall (Masak Lemak Cili Padi) and I also mention that coconut milk is one of the favourites for Asian cooking? Me too. I can be said as a fan of cooking milk, though I don't go overboard mind you.(Hyderabadi Vegetable Biryani, Goan Prawn Curry & Palakura Pappu) and do I have to actually mention the popularity of cooking milk for Sri Lankan dishes? Especially for this Kiri Hodi, aka Sri Lankan Coconut Milk Gravy/Stew which can be eaten alongside string hoppers and even rice. For us rice is the best food deal and when we drench Kiri Hodi on our rice, oh-so-food-diviners while also adding a scoop of Tomato Chutney (Tamatar ki Chutney) prior to tucking in. As usual, I must say that there's various types of Kiri Hodi? Then again, how different can each be? Either a, actually mostly vegetarian version, but some do add some dried fish. Not for this my version though. Instead I added boiled egg. Acceptable right? Sure, stop disputing. Why should we not by the way into this creamy, tangy, attractive and mouth watering Kiri Hodi/ Sri Lankan Coconut Milk Stew? Coconut milk, like I have already told you is the central ingredients and the rest are pretty much I can say as our pantry friendly ingredients (Sodhi, Prawn Spinach Sodhi & Tanni Saar).

Chameleon Restaurant, Kota Kemuning: A Taste of the Hype

Whenever a new restaurant opens in Kota Kemuning, it generates significant excitement among local food enthusiasts. Chameleon Restaurant (No...