Showing posts with label Food and Cooking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food and Cooking. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Malay Style Turmeric Rice/Nasi Kunyit

Malay Style Turmeric Rice, the comforting to the soul dish, has been available on my YouTube channel for the last two years. But you see, the thing is? Not everybody prefer video recipes. Some, I believe, prefer a written recipe. Pretty much, summing up, why people like Ms.Nava are still blogging. I am and I stand by my opinion that recipe blogging is still relevant. Relevant and relevancy in my opinion. Correct me if I am wrong. Of course, you can correct me. Please go ahead. Meanwhile, while waiting for your reply whether you agree with my opinion or not, please allow me to proceed with the said recipe. Thank you millions.

Monday, September 26, 2022

Drumstick Egg Masala (Murungakkai Muttai Masala)

Hi Darlings, 

What a long break from my cooking pitching. Like, almost a month plus already. Oh-well-well, nothing new for me to share. Its the same thing basically (read at Sun Dried Mango Curry).  Alright, without taking up your time and mine, to the recipe of the day. Drumstick/murunggakai? Yes, there's been recipes before in this space of mine (Drumstick Leaves FryFish Muringakka Curry & Salted Fish Murungakkai Curry). Let me add another one and as usual, cooking for me personally, is about simplicity and making do with my pantry friendly ingredients and whatever has been stocked up in my fridge. Right on, hit it at the recipe now please!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Sun Dried Mango Curry/Maangai Vathal Kuzhambu

Challengers are challenging! Of course, without a doubt, and I guess, challengers are part and parcel of our life. Furthermore, say what you like, challengers are unavoidable, if we are want to positively move forward in achieving whatever we have set in our mind. Unless otherwise, for those who are contented, doing what you are doing currently, or maybe, not even doing anything, there will no challengers. How about me & my challengers? Remember, I told you before (Plant Based Masala Tofu)? No, no, don't get me wrong. I am not sulking, neither complaining. I take challengers as the stepping stone for my future goals and achievements (Lemongrass Rice & Balinese Fish Sambal).  

Monday, August 1, 2022

Lemongrass Rice (Nasi Serai)

Hi Darlings, Hope, all of you are doing well and good. After all, hope is life. As for me, as usual, the hustle-bustle, and rimmed back to back with my daily chores, including managing and running my fitness zen. Ah! Challenging as usual as well. Having said that, if there's a will, there is always a path in front of you. Of course. Oh, I also must tell you that, I have found another hobby, apart from gardening, for fulfilling my soul. The hobby? My dance videos, shared across the board in all my social media accounts. How has it been so far? Well, the good and the ugly. The ugliness of receiving flitty, ugly, dirty, bad, brutal and hammer house of horror comments. Comments like, I'm a lonely desperate woman, I'm looking for men on social media, I am a mental case, I am a shameless old lady, I am doing drunk dancing, and the list goes on. Nevermind, let it be and let them be, because I am least bothered, and I care least. On the other hand, there are people who appreciate my dancing videos. These are, the people who don't judge, who don't label, who don't assume, and they should also be known as the "beautiful souls". Thank you, stay blessed you great people.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Balinese Fish Sambal/Sambal Ikan Bali

Hi Loves, to blog or not to blog? Ah! What a mindboggling question. Seemingly blogging has taken a back step due to social media platforms. Still, there are bloggers who are continuing with blogging, taking it as a platform for sharing whatever they feel they should and want to share with all of you great souls. What about me? Well, sad if I let me blog die a natural death (Turkish Carrot Yogurt Salad & Masala Tofu). By right, I should have switched to a website, considering I am now into my own fitness zen, fitness business and in the fitness industry. Then again, tell me about it? Cost? Seriously, I can't afford. Therefore, for me personally, although I'm not as active as I have been in blogging, I will still keep this previous space of mine, which I believe has reached 10 years mark. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Turkish Carrot Yogurt Salad/Yogurtlu Havuc Salatasi

 Hi Darlings, 

Today, I bring you with lotsa love, happiness, peace, joy and laughter, another Turkish dish. Furthermore, its another salad dish. Turkish cuisine for me personally? Ah! Such a profound food joy and salad, of course, my food love as well. The question you are probably asking now, I'm assuming actually, must be, how does this Indian lady in Malaysia know about Turkish food? Is she pulling my legs, hands or any other part of my body, or she knows it? Darlings, the utter truth is, I have had my moment in time in Turkey and during this trip, I of course, being a foodie and home chef, I made sure I put my heart and soul in finding out about Turkish food (Turkish Cucumber Yogurt Salad, Turkish Saffron Rice & Chili Hummus). Literally, from wherever. From classy restaurants, and tasting street food too.  Alright, to the recipe now. Nothing complicated, nothing messy, neither a mind-wrecking matter. 

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Plant Based Spinach Turmeric Stir Fry (Vegetarian)

Where did I disappear to? Nowhere. Why then no pitching in this space of mine? Well, not everyday is a day the mind is activated for writing, furthermore, some days its pure laziness to writing, and I have been preoccupied with other things as well. One of those things, if not all, some of you know that I founded my home based, fitness Zen. That's right. Nava's Zen. Henceforth, time taken up for marketing and managing my business. Having said that, cooking is still on my list, albeit there are days its food from outside. These days, the cooking style of mine, as and when time permits, let's say, least to least, twice a week? Pretty much clean eating, healthy eating, and of course, simplicity to cooking too. Today,  its another one of my simple cooking, specifically, plant based cooking, Plant based spinach turmeric stir fry! Spinach? Oh-yes, (Chloe Palak/Spinach Chickpea, Saag Aloo/Spinach Potato, Vegetarian Spinach Coconut Milk Stew & Palak Paneer/Spinach Indian Cottage Cheese)  one of the favorites and turmeric, part and parcel of healthy cooking (Malaysian Sodhi/Coconut Milk Stew). Right now, its best we just zoom and vroom into the recipe to - plant based spinach turmeric stir fry. 

Friday, February 11, 2022

Turkish Cucumber Yogurt Salad (Cacik)

Turkish Cucumber Yogurt Salad, known as "Cacik" in Turkish language and supposedly its a dip. I on the other hand, named Cacik as a salad. Obviously, as you would have already noticed? Yeh, no harm done I suppose? To each our own? We can modify recipe names, after adapting, realigning and modifying  the recipe? Honestly, I have no qualms,. If you do, well, nothing much I can do about your cooking thinking. Anyway, lets move on. You still remember my previous Turkish recipe? Sincerely I hope you do, in case you don't, here's the recipe - Turkish Saffron Rice, which is a wonder food pairing for Turkish (Chilli Hummus) Cucumber Yogurt Salad. Sure, why not as well? You want it as a salad, no one can stop you, including Nava K. Otherwise, if you like it as a dip, as your food wish for your food pleasure. To the recipe now please. 

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Turkish Saffron Rice (Safranli Pilav)

Did this recipe, Turkish Saffron Rice, fly from high up, from the sky? No, of course not. I actually picked up it during my trip to Turkey (Istanbul, Turkey), 8 years ago, during one of my solo trips. This solo trip, for your information was one of those whereby I hopped in a fully-paid, all paid for tour, alongside unknown people. Plus, what a blessings, on our way out of Turkey (Topkapi Palace, Istanbul),  flight was delayed, and when we arrived in Dubai, our connecting flight to Kuala Lumpur has left. Henceforth, a free all paid for Dubai stay by the airline (Dubai). Tadaa! It was also during this trip, I sort of got a hold of Turkish Saffron Rice recipe. Somehow, I managed. Wasn't easy getting the recipe from the restaurant owner, where we dined in, still, yippie, I got it. Turkish Saffron Rice, nope, non-mind boggling, neither cooking complicated matter. Simple, easy-to-go-to, and taste-wise, ah, a wonder as a scented rice dish (Malaysian Cumin Rice, Vegetable Biryani & Rice Pilaf). Saffron? Yes, quite on a pricey side, but these days, you can get your hands to different types of saffron of different quality. See which you prefer and which you can afford, and let's get to the recipe now. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Malaysian Cumin Rice

Yep. I have been slacking in my recipe sharing compartment. I know. Well, it is nothing more than wanting to pitch other lifestyle stories. Whatever said, no excuses, I believe I shouldn't let down those who have been faithfully following this precious space of mine, from the initial years, and till now, for my recipes. Henceforth, obviously, a recipe sharing today! Malaysian Cumin Rice. Another version to the previous Jeera Rice/Cumin Rice. You choose whichever you prefer. Of course, this version, Malaysian Cumin Rice is an updated version. Yea, even recipes need updating. In other words, I mean, to keep our food, recipes and eating colorful, alive and kicking, we can play around with the ingredients, for a latest version. Malaysian Cumin Rice. The minimalist, in the vegetarian food category, the uncomplicated rice cooker cooking technic (Mint Rice, Curry Leaves Rice, Dhal Rice & Coriander Rice). and all good to go (Rice Pilaf & Vegetarian Briyani), for pairing alongside, literally, any of our Malaysian dishes. Take care everyone. See you all again in the next pitching of mine. Take care. 

Monday, November 8, 2021

South African Fish Curry

South Africa! Hah! Won my heart, captivated every bit of my mind and soul. South Africa (Pretoria South Africa). One of the pricey travelling grams of mine. Still, worthy every bit. No regrets whatsoever. Amongst all in South Africa, Cape Town became the winner (Cape Town). Cape Town and coming with it, hills, valleys, slopes, beaches, sea, you name it, all of these as Cape Town’s nature pride. What about South African food? For those of you who know me, you know me not only as a liberal traveler, also, as a liberal foodie right? Of course, wherever I am, no matter where I go, apart from eating at the streets is not a big deal for me. Well, when your tummy is a well-trained Malaysian tummy, have no fear to food liberalization. Worst come to worst, let me give you a clue. In case of food mishaps, swallow the charcoal tablets and all will be good to go, or no go to toilet.   

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Oats Coated Fried Prawns

Every now and then, its nice to go back to yesteryears. The years you were so enthusiastic about cooking a splashing meal to impress your husband. Of course, during the beginning of your marriage steps or even maybe, 10 years down the road? Thereafter, you are only interested in cooking a basic meal. As long as home cooked, you know you are being the good wife. Regardless, the yesteryears does come into your marriage food picture. Not regularly, but like I have already told you, every now and then. Oats Coated Fried Prawns (Thai Prawn Red Curry, Goan Prawn Curry & Butter Prawns). Nothing new for me. Did it before, and today, somehow I thought let's bring back the prawn memory lane (Tamarind Prawn Curry, Sichuan Chilli Prawns & Prawn Sambal). Oats Coated Fried Prawns obviously is the fried stuff. The fried stuff which is really fab when eaten there and then (Chinese Prawn Fritters). As soon as out of the frying pan (Mee Goreng  Udang). Oats Coated Fried Prawns. Grab it while you can. Crunch!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Sambal Tumis Telur

And the list goes on and on for egg dishes (Fried Egg Oyster Sauce). All sorts believe me. Eggs being the glistering ingredient in my house (Kiri Hodi/Egg Sodhi, Egg Vindaloo, Egg Curry MasalaEgg Rasam, Egg Potato Curry & Beansprout Omelette). Furthermore, what about sambal? Lemme just quote two. Otherwise, we will all go mad on which to opt for (Sambal Goreng Teri  & Sambal Belimbing Ikan Bilis). Today, its egg and sambal lovingly hugging each other in this Sambal Tumis Telur. Nevertheless, not the ordinary Egg Sambal. Different. Of course. When I myself am a class of my own, so must be my Sambal Tumis Telur. What is different? I added dried shrimps and I also added grown in my garden basil leaves for the beautiful aroma. Power! Attractive, vibrant, spicy, tangy Sambal Tumis Telur. 

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Bread Pizza

Pizza making from a scratch? I am not the person. Don't ask me. Ask someone else please? But if you want to ask me what can we do with leftover bread slices or store bought bread by itself, you are definitely speaking to the right person (Malaysian Style Sambal Sandwich, Asian Egg Mayonnaise Sandwich, Grilled Fish Sandwich & Vegetarian Sandwich). Maybe thrown in burgers as well. Burgers made from store bought burger bun (Tuna Burgers & Lamb Burgers), but please, do not touch the subject of making pizza dough. If you still insist, I can show you where you can buy ready made pizza dough and of course, today, happily I am going to show you how can we made pizza from bread. Not a complicated matter actually. In fact, not at all for this tuna (Tuna Thoran & Tuna Cutlets) bread pizza. So easy, yet, mouth and tummy filling like superman delighfulness (Bread Sardine Rolls). 

Monday, August 1, 2016

Malaysian Banana Flambe

Banana Flame and obviously from my Malaysian kitchen. Of course, me the Malaysian home chef who somehow will coin even a dessert from our Malaysian ingredients. I suppose the Malaysian in me can't be erased forever and for a fact, I love it that way too. After all, if we are not proud of our mother land, who else will (Malaysian Style Sambal Sandwich) and this is the halal version banana flambe. Meaning, without alcohol, nevertheless, if you feel you want to pour in, go ahead towards the end for flaming up before removing from heat. Ingredients for our Malaysian Banana (Banana Chocolate Cake) Flambe? Clearly listed below (Malaysian Banana Pancakes & Kuih Kodok). Naturally, our local ingredients for this our Malaysian affordable and without compromising on the key crucial dessert delight which is I believe is not sinfulness or guiltiness. Go ahead. Make yourself sugar happy (Easy Banana Bread & Bingka Pisang). 

Monday, July 4, 2016

Thai Green Crab Curry

Thai Crab Curry. The green style crab curry. The dry style curry. And when we speak about Thai green curries, much we have already spoken and I have shared as well? Remember? Otherwise, maybe best you flip to the recipes (Thai Green Fish Curry & Thai Chicken Green Curry)? Will be good as well because you can actually find out that, there are also the different types of Thai green curries. In fact, you can even make a vegetarian or vegan style by, of course, giving a twist and turn to the recipes, and you would have maybe coined your own version (Thai Vegetable Curry & Thai Yellow Chicken Curry). 

Friday, July 1, 2016

Indian Style Crab Soup

Don't give me the crab. No, no, seriously, its obviously a crab food story today and definitely an Indian crab story. By the way, have you heard of the Indian crab story? One Indian or the whole lot of Indians pulling down another Indian because he or she is more successful than you? Think about it and I am certain you must heard of this Indian crab story. Quite known amongst us Indians and the whole moral to the Indian crab story? Sadly, we Indians always want to be the best and we, somehow, even to the extent of back stabbing or front stabbing, we will bring down those who are more better than us. Oh Boy! Suppose to be a recipe and I took you around the Indian crab story. Then again, in tandem right because its really Indian Style Crab Soup today.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Pulut Inti (Glutinous Rice With Sweet Coconut)

It is one thing for cooking, the other is whether you must have all the ingredients? What then? What happens when you can't get certain specific ingredients? You are going to ditched aside the idea of making the dish? Or my question is, are you still going to go ahead by making do? Making do basically meaning, are we going to go ahead with the dish. If you are asking me, I am quite a good cooking runner. I always make do. Take this pulut inti for an example. By right, you need banana leaves, then again? So what? What about re-looking at how can we still make without the leaves. I definitely did fine. My pyrex showed me the way and I hand-crafted Pulut Inti for the serving style. See, I already told you? Nothing is absolute and you can still be a food hero in your own way. What is Pulut Inti? Clue already given. Glutinous rice with sweet coconut which must placed alongside our kuih-muih or local delicacies (Chrysanthemum Goji Jelly, Kuih Kosui & Malaysian Sago Pudding). Our Kuih-muih (Bingka Pisang, Bubur Chacha & Honeydew Sago Dessert)? The treasures of Malaysia and will forever remain as our propelling sweet treat, sweet delight and our sweet moment  (Wajik PulutKuih Buah MelakaKuih Sagu Kukus & Pumpkin Sago Dessert).

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Chrysanthemum Goji Jelly

Have you heard of Chrysanthemum Goji Jelly? You know? Or you don't know what I am talking about? If you are Chinese (Honeydew Sago), I think you should know. Nevermind, if all of us are as blank as each other. But I am not blank. I quite know it. Otherwise, how could I have made? Back then, years ago, Chrysanthemum Goji Jelly was a popularity. Don't know if it is still, but I can still remember and today, my food and cooking mission is to show you how we can make Chrysanthemum Goji Jelly. Actually, come to think of it, I don't think I should dwell too much. Everything you need to know and see? Clearly listed below. Follow me and you can't go or do any wrong. Chrysanthemum Goji Jelly. The yesteryears sweet delight. Outstanding for its uniqueness.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Vazha Koombu Thoran

The last time we meet, we hit it at Sri Lanka cuisine (Miris Malu). Today, we are hitting back to another round of Kerala cuisine. Kerala cuisine (Mathi Achar, Nadan Meen Curry, Meen Puttu, Parippu Pradhaman)? I quite know it right? Well, I must admit I quite have it at the back and in front of my cooking hands (Malabar Fish Curry & Kerala Fish Curry). What is Vazha Koombu Thoran? Vazha Koombu is vazhaipoo, or banana flower or banana blossom. How about thoran? Basically, a stir fry (Tuna Thoran, Beans Thoran & Cabbage Thoran). To make Vazha Koombu Thoran? All clearly listed below and quite a simplicity, but cleaning the banana flower? You better get ready with time and some oil for rubbing and removing its stickiness while, maybe at removing the flowers and thereafter for cleaning your hands and fingers. Other than that, Vazha Koombu Thoran is our yesteryears and forever appeciated by my generation side dish delightfulness alongside rice (Carrot Poriyal & Tapioca Stir Fry).  

Chameleon Restaurant, Kota Kemuning: A Taste of the Hype

Whenever a new restaurant opens in Kota Kemuning, it generates significant excitement among local food enthusiasts. Chameleon Restaurant (No...