Thursday, April 1, 2021

Indonesian Potato Taucu/Kentang Tauchu Indonesia (Vegetarian)

Keeping your culinary journey vibrant and exciting is key to discovering new flavors that delight your taste buds. While comfort food holds a special place in our hearts, embracing the diversity of global cuisines can open up a world of gastronomic pleasure. For me, Indonesian cuisine (URAP KANGKUNG) stands out as a personal favorite, rich with bold flavors and aromatic spices that always leave me craving more.


Indonesian cuisine isn't just about meat dishes; it offers a plethora of vegetarian options that are equally satisfying. Take, for instance, Indonesian Potato Tauhu (Kentang Tauchu), a dish that exemplifies this culinary versatility. It's a creation born out of my perpetual quest to innovate in the kitchen, blending potatoes with chili tauhu (fermented soybean paste) to create a dish that's hearty and full of savory goodness.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Urap Kangkung (Water Spinach Salad) - Vegetarian

When you think of kangkung, also known as water spinach, Kangkung Belacan probably comes to mind. It's a beloved dish among Malaysians and a staple in Chinese restaurants. This tasty treat is also a hit in Indonesia, where it's called "Kangkung Tumis Belacan" or "Cah Kangkung Terasi." Terasi, the Indonesian version of belacan, is something I've learned from my Indonesian friends, and I'll share that recipe with you too.

In both Malaysia and Indonesia, kangkung is enjoyed as a raw salad, boiled and paired with sambal belacan. During my time in Indonesia, I discovered Urap Kangkung and brought the idea back to Malaysia, creating my own vegetarian version. This will be the highlight of today's recipe. But don't worry, I'll also share my tried-and-true Kangkung Belacan recipe. Let's kick things off with Urap Kangkung, the vegetarian version (VEGETARIAN BAYAM MASAK LEMAK).

Monday, February 15, 2021

Nava K's Palak Paneer (Spinach Indian Cottage Cheese)

Ah, Palak Paneer - a classic Indian dish that never fails to delight with its creamy spinach and tender paneer. While I appreciate the art of making homemade paneer, these days, I often opt for the convenience of store-bought paneer. It's readily available and saves me precious time in the kitchen, allowing me to enjoy this beloved dish more frequently.

Thanks to global trade, Indian stores around the world offer a variety of paneer options, including those imported from India to places like Malaysia (MUGHAI VEGETARIAN KORMA). This accessibility ensures that no matter where you are, you can still savor the authentic flavors of Palak Paneer with quality ingredients.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Chilli Cashew Stir Fried Veggies

Isn't it amazing how a Chinese-style stir-fried vegetable dish can be so divine? The vibrant colors alone uplift the senses, but did you know each hue signifies unique health benefits? From improved digestion to strengthened immunity and enhanced eye health, the colors of vegetables reflect their rich array of nutrients. Take, for instance, Chilli Cashew Stir-Fried Veggies - a dish that embodies holistic wellness. With its nutrient-packed ingredients, satisfying crunch, aromatic flavors, and a hint of heat, it delights the palate while nourishing the body (PONNANGANI KEERAI STIR FRY). Let's explore how this dish exemplifies the perfect blend of taste and nutrition.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Ponnanganni Keerai Poriyal (Sessile Joyweed/Dwarf Copperleaf Stir-Fry)

In a world that's increasingly focused on healthy living, eating nutritious meals is more important than ever. That's why I'm excited to share this recipe for Ponnanganni Keerai, also known as Alternanthera Sessilis, Sessile Joyweed, or Dwarf Copperleaf. This leafy green is a powerhouse of nutrients and a staple in Ayurvedic medicine.


If you're not familiar with Ponnanganni Keerai, you can see it in the attached video. This green is packed with vitamins and minerals, making it an excellent addition to your diet. It has a mild, earthy taste that doesn't require elaborate cooking methods (MUGHAI VEGETARIAN KORMA). In fact, the simpler, the better, to preserve its natural flavors.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Mughlai Style Vegetarian Korma

Ever crave a different twist on a familiar dish? I know I do! In my house, we can't keep cooking the same style of dishes all the time - it gets boring! So, this time, instead of my usual Korma or Kurma Curry, I decided to shake things up with a Muglai Style Vegetarian Korma.


Korma, or Kurma, is a beloved dish in the Indian community and has gained popularity far beyond the Indian subcontinent. It's also a favorite in Malaysia, even among the Malay community. Let me not even mention how much Indians love Kurma, whether it's chicken, mutton, or the vegetarian version. Typically, Kurma makes its appearance during festival seasons and wedding functions, rather than as a daily meal, though it does show up occasionally.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Vegetarian Bayam Masak Lemak (Spinach Coconut Stew)

Isn’t it fantastic when you have people like Ms. Nava who can convert even Malay dishes to a vegetarian version (VEGETARIAN ASAM PEDAS)? I can’t tell you exactly how many among the Malays are vegetarians, though within the Malay community, dried shrimp, dried anchovies, and eggs might be considered vegetarian and added into their cooking, such as in masak lemak. That said, they do enjoy a lot of raw salads with sambal belacan, which I love too. 

Among the Chinese, more people are becoming vegetarians, and among Indians, it's quite common. For religious occasions or specific days, many Indians choose to be vegetarian as a way to honor their gods. It’s like a trend - one person becomes vegetarian and influences another. There's also a belief that being vegetarian makes you more religious and that you'll go to heaven, unlike Ms. Nava, who humorously says she might head to hell. But? You can decide what to say after the "but" because I’m done talking.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Chinese Herbal Pork Soup

Are you thinking, "An Indian lady cooking Chinese Herbal Pork Soup?" Yes, she does! I'm one of those Indians who loves pork, even though my husband doesn't. He doesn't mind me cooking it for myself. What's better than a Chinese soup packed with nourishment and goodness? Chinese Herbal Pork Soup sounds fabulous, don't you agree? Plus, it's super easy to cook. I usually use pre-packed herbs from the store, and wow, there are so many choices these days. Just pick your favorite, and let's cook up some soup! I also have a recipe for Chinese Pork Old Cucumber Soup, but let's start with this one - Chinese Herbal Pork Soup.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Vegetarian Asam Pedas (Asam Pedas Sayur)

Let's clear the air before we get cooking. People love to judge at first sight - some see me as a lady of leisure, a glamour queen, and the ultimate non-cook. After I got married, every time I walked into my in-laws' gatherings and mentioned cooking, I'd get sly smiles and those nasty, scrutinizing looks as if they were checking up on my culinary skills. Oh, the expressions on their faces - priceless! Apparently, my appearance didn't fit their cooking connoisseur checklist. How should a lady who cooks look? If only I resembled them, right? Weeeeeee!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Ikan Goreng Asam Jawa (Tamarind Fried Fish)

Ikan Goreng Asam, literally meaning Tamarind Fried Fish, showcases the delightful tanginess of tamarind juice. While Asam Fish can be prepared in various ways, such as in a tamarind sauce, steamed, or as a curry, this recipe focuses on a traditional Malay method of marinating and frying the fish. The tangy flavor of tamarind juice is a key ingredient, giving the dish its characteristic sourness.


For tamarind fried fish, the process is simple: soak the fish in tamarind juice with added salt and then fry it to perfection. The accompanying cecah (dip) is equally simple yet unique, featuring kaffir lime leaves for an aromatic twist. For those who prefer visual instructions, a YouTube video is provided.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Malaysian Egg Curry/Kari Telur Malaysia

You might be wondering why this curry is known as Malaysian Egg Curry. When it's cooked in my kitchen by an authentic Malaysian like me, it has to be a Malaysian version. Plus, this is a recipe I put together myself, so it makes sense, right? Curries are also healthy. Did you know that? Spices contribute to healthiness, and chilies can help increase your metabolism and burn calories. Maybe that's why I can still maintain my shape and size? But remember, too much curry can increase your body heat, so drink plenty of water. The moral of cooking and eating is that too much of any kind of food can be unhealthy, so moderation is key. Shall we get to the recipe now?

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Surakarta (Solo): Heartbeat of Central Java

The final day of my 5-day, 4-night escapade has arrived (BOROBUDUR ETERNAL LEGEND & YOGYAKARTA REGAL WONDERS). Tomorrow morning, I’ll  be heading back to reality, back to the daily grind. As much as I'd love to keep traveling forever, the truth is, it's time to return home. But not before I embark on my last adventure in Surakarta, also known as Solo.

My day began with a delightful hotel buffet breakfast at Harper Mangkubumi. The spread was a feast for the senses, especially the array of local traditional dishes that tantalized my  taste buds. Satisfied and ready for the day, we set off  (COLOMBO DREAMS & SEOUL THROUGH MY EYES) for Surakarta.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Yogyakarta: Regal Wonders and Indonesian Tastes

It's time to talk about the buffet breakfast at Harper Mangkubumi, and trust me, you're in for a treat! I haven't yet introduced you to this culinary delight, and now is the perfect moment (JOGYAKARTA EXPOSURE). By now, you probably know how much I adore Indonesian cuisine and our local Malay Malaysian food. Oh, yes, please! The buffet breakfast at Harper Mangkubumi was a feast for the senses during my stay (COLOMBO DISCOVERY & NEW DELHI REVELATION). 

The variety was astounding, even featuring different Jamu concoctions, those traditional herbal drinks. Although I’m not a big eater and not usually a breakfast person, I couldn't resist sampling the array of dishes. Such a sensational meal, including the desserts that left me in awe. I know I'll miss this breakfast spread (HOKKAIDO WANDERLUST) once I leave, and I'm sure you'll agree with me after seeing it for yourself.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Jogyakarta: Authentic Indonesian Cuisine & Cultural Exposure

After an action-packed morning filled with thrilling adventures (MOUNT MERAPI JEEP TOUR), lunch was a much-anticipated respite. With a sparse breakfast and energy spent, I eagerly looked forward to a hearty meal. Finally (SEOUL THROUGH MY EYES & CHENNAI DISCOVERY) we arrived at Restaurant Timbul Roso, albeit a bit later than planned. The stunning rustic ambiance, highlighted by rich wood tones, made me feel as if I had walked into a luxurious home in Jogjakarta. I longed to sit outside amidst the mini nature jungle, but our group of four opted for the comfort (OSAKA SUNSETS) of the indoor dining area.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Mount Merapi Jeep Tour: Rugged Adventure

Adventure was calling, and I was ready to answer. The Mount Merapi Jeep Tour promised an experience (JOGYAKARTA TEMPLES) like no other, and while my previous travels had already seen their fair share of thrilling escapades (HOKKAIDO SNOW MOBILE & VARANASI GANGES), I was eager to see what this adventure had in store. As we arrived at the starting point, the sun blazed overhead, and the air was thick with dust. Grateful for my trusty scarf- a staple of my travel gear - I wrapped it around my face and prepared for the ride (CAPE TOWN SEAL ISLAND & PRETORIA MOMENTS). 

Mount Merapi, Indonesia's "Mountain of Fire," loomed majestically before us. This active volcano, near Yogyakarta on the island of Java, is infamous for its frequent and powerful eruptions that have shaped the surrounding landscape and the lives of local communities for centuries. Its fiery temperament has caused extensive damage and loss of life, yet it remains an integral part of the region's culture and spirituality. Those brave enough to hike its slopes are rewarded with breathtaking views and a profound appreciation for the raw power of nature.

Chameleon Restaurant, Kota Kemuning: A Taste of the Hype

Whenever a new restaurant opens in Kota Kemuning, it generates significant excitement among local food enthusiasts. Chameleon Restaurant (No...