Thursday, April 1, 2021

Indonesian Potato Taucu/Kentang Tauchu Indonesia (Vegetarian)

Keeping your culinary journey vibrant and exciting is key to discovering new flavors that delight your taste buds. While comfort food holds a special place in our hearts, embracing the diversity of global cuisines can open up a world of gastronomic pleasure. For me, Indonesian cuisine (URAP KANGKUNG) stands out as a personal favorite, rich with bold flavors and aromatic spices that always leave me craving more.


Indonesian cuisine isn't just about meat dishes; it offers a plethora of vegetarian options that are equally satisfying. Take, for instance, Indonesian Potato Tauhu (Kentang Tauchu), a dish that exemplifies this culinary versatility. It's a creation born out of my perpetual quest to innovate in the kitchen, blending potatoes with chili tauhu (fermented soybean paste) to create a dish that's hearty and full of savory goodness.

For those who love a bit of heat, I also recommend trying my Vegetarian Sambal Kentang (Potato Sambal), a tantalizing blend of simmered potatoes, spicy chili paste, and tangy tomatoes, all infused with the aromatic essence of lemongrass.


Indonesian Potato Tauhu (Kentang Tauchu)


5 potatoes, peeled and sliced

1 tbsp chili tauhu (chili fermented soybean paste)

1 large red onion, sliced

Spring onion, chopped

Calamansi lime (Limau kasturi) juice, to taste

2 tbsp oil

Sugar (optional, to taste)

Water, as needed



Heat oil in a pan.

Saute the sliced onion until translucent.

Add chili tauhu and stir-fry for a minute.

Add the sliced potatoes and mix well.

Pour enough water to cover the potatoes and simmer until potatoes are tender.

Season with salt, sugar (if using), and calamansi lime juice.

Remove from heat, stir in chopped spring onion. 

Vegetarian Sambal Kentang (Potato Sambal)
4 potatoes, simmered or boiled until 3/4 cooked, peeled and sliced
Chili paste (blended dried chilies), to taste
2 tomatoes, chopped
2 medium-sized onions, chopped or sliced
1-2 lemongrass stalks, smashed
4 tbsp oil
Salt, to taste


Heat oil in a pan.

Saute the onions and smashed lemongrass until fragrant.

Add chili paste and chopped tomatoes, cooking until tomatoes soften.

Add the sliced potatoes and stir-fry gently until potatoes develop a light char.

Season with salt to taste.

Dish out.


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