Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Blossoming Passion: A Journey of Gardening, Learning, and Perseverance

Step into the tranquil beginnings of my journey in Kota Kemuning two decades ago, where amidst the calm, a yearning for vitality stirred. With my spouse often away, I craved solace and purpose. Balancing academia and domesticity, the idea of crafting a blog and delving into culinary ventures beckoned.


Yet, it was the sight of the barren plot outside my home that ignited an insatiable desire for lush greenery. Having only dabbled in indoor plants before, the notion of gardening felt foreign. However, the vast potential of this newfound space sparked an intense passion within me.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Vegetarian Szechuan Stir-Fried Long Beans: Savor The Flavours

Vegetarian cuisine has come a long way, with more and more options available for those who prefer to eat plant-based meals. If you're looking for a tasty and healthy vegetarian dish, you'll love this Vegetarian Szechuan Stir-Fried Long Beans recipe. This dish is simple yet packed with flavor, featuring fresh long beans that are stir-fried with ginger, dried chilies and Szechuan peppercorns. The result is a dish that's both spicy and aromatic, with just the right amount of heat. It's the perfect side dish for any meal. 

Friday, May 19, 2023

Harmony and Rejuvenation: Embracing Eternal Youth with Yoga and Skincare Mantras

Have I mentioned how yoga can work wonders for anti-aging? If I haven't, my apologies, because the benefits of yoga go far beyond just flexibility and relaxation (Unveiling The Truths of Yoga & Yoga Magic). Picture this: while striking those yoga poses and engaging in mindful breathing (DBT MINDFUL BREATHING), you're actually giving your body a secret weapon against aging.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Celebrating Women's Curves: The Hypocrisy of Society

The internet is abuzz with talks of self-acceptance, body positivity, and living one's truth. But despite all the push for women to embrace their bodies and be comfortable in their skin, there's still a double standard when it comes to women's age, size, and self-expression. Take the case of a plus-size woman who proudly posts pictures of herself on social media in tight or loose clothing, flaunting her curves and proclaiming self-love and acceptance. People cheer her on and comment her bravery for being true to herself, regardless of society's expectations and beauty standards. And yet, the same cannot be said for a woman in her late fifties who shares photos of herself in yoga outfits (Unveiling the Truth of Yoga) showcasing her fit and toned physique.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Malaysian Wildboar Curry/Kattu Pandi Kulambu

I find it rather curious, or perhaps understandable, that among 10 Indians, only one or two would indulge in pork. While this doesn't particularly bother me, it's quite a phenomenon when dining with them, as they tend to avoid eateries serving pork dishes. This preference is more prevalent among the older generation, although a fair number of younger individuals do enjoy pork. Interestingly, those who abstain from pork often struggle to articulate the reasons behind their choice. Some perceive pork as unclean, while others cite religious beliefs. Many were simply not exposed to pork consumption by their parents, leading to a perpetuation of dietary habits. In general, Indians tend to favor familiarity over culinary exploration, which contrasts with my own adventurous palate.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Rotkohl (German Red Cabbage): A Taste of Tradition

My culinary journey began long ago, but it truly intensified after I got married. At first, cooking felt like a monotonous chore - repeatedly preparing the same dishes to please my husband's palate. It seemed as though cooking had been conveniently handed to me as part of my marriage responsibilities. Yet, as the years passed, I discovered the therapeutic joy of cooking. I began experimenting with dishes from around the world, eager to explore new flavors and techniques.


While my husband remained somewhat hesitant to try new foods, there were occasional surprises. When I introduced him to Rotkohl, a traditional German dish, his reaction was unexpectedly positive. He savored the soft, tangy bites of this vegetarian delight, a departure from our usual fare.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Discover Your Zen: Yoga for Everyone

Beginning on a zen yoga journey can feel intimidating, especially if you're new to the practice. It's natural to have concerns about flexibility or past experiences with strict instructors. But rest assured, yoga (yoga magic) is truly accessible to everyone, regardless of age, experience, or body type. 


I often hear questions like, "Am I too old to start yoga?" or "I've never done yoga before, can I still join?" These doubts are common, but they shouldn't hold you back. Some individuals hesitate to join despite reassurances, while others have had negative experiences that left them feeling discouraged and lacking confidence.

Friday, May 5, 2023

Yoga Magic - Ms. Nava's Journey To A New Lease Of Life

Zen yoga is undoubtedly at the heart of holistic wellness, a concept that continues to resonate in our modern world. It's the epitome of natural therapy, nurturing the breath, body, mind, and soul, with the power to reshape lives in unexpected ways.


However, it's essential to recognize that while yoga is a potent tool, it should never replace medical care. Doctors are vital in our healthcare system, offering essential services such as emergency care, managing chronic conditions, and collaborating with other healthcare providers to ensure comprehensive patient care. Yoga can complement traditional medical treatments but should never be seen as a substitute.

Friday, April 28, 2023

Nava's Menopause: Zen Yoga Healing

Menopause, once cloaked in silence, now steps into the spotlight, shedding light on a journey often veiled in secrecy. As an Indian woman, I've traversed this path, navigating the turbulent waters of hormonal shifts and societal whispers. But remaining silent was not an option; I knew that by sharing my story, I could extend a comforting hand to others walking a similar path.


At 45, my body began its farewell to the reproductive years, yet the journey of menopause had commenced long before. It tiptoed into my life, casting shadows over my days and nights. The symptoms arrived uninvited: hot flashes, restless nights, and tears flowing without cause. Seeking guidance, I consulted medical experts, only to receive responses ranging from dismissive to disheartening. It was a male gynecologist who finally offered the advice I needed.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Tantalizing Tomyam Fish: A Flavor Explosion

Tomyam - a name that resonates with food lovers worldwide, synonymous with the bold, unmistakable flavors of Thai cuisine. It's a culinary journey I've savored for years, honing my skills after exploring every nook and cranny of Thailand's diverse gastronomic landscape.


From the bustling streetside stalls to the refined elegance of upscale eateries, Thailand's culinary scene offers a spectrum of delights. Yet, amidst the array of options, one dish stands out - Tomyam. Its fiery spiciness can be a challenge to stomach at times, but oh, the rewards are worth it.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Malay Style Turmeric Rice/Nasi Kunyit

Malay Style Turmeric Rice, the comforting to the soul dish, has been available on my YouTube channel for the last two years. But you see, the thing is? Not everybody prefer video recipes. Some, I believe, prefer a written recipe. Pretty much, summing up, why people like Ms.Nava are still blogging. I am and I stand by my opinion that recipe blogging is still relevant. Relevant and relevancy in my opinion. Correct me if I am wrong. Of course, you can correct me. Please go ahead. Meanwhile, while waiting for your reply whether you agree with my opinion or not, please allow me to proceed with the said recipe. Thank you millions.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Chandigarh, North India - Urban Serenity & Marvels

From Kullu Manali (KULLU MANALI MAJESTY) to Chandigarh. India's first planned city, Chandigarh stands as a testament to modern urban design and efficiency. Renowned for its well-organized sectors, lush greenery, and wide avenues, Chandigarh blends functionality with aesthetic charm. Designed by Swiss-French architect Le Corbusier in the 1950s, the city boasts clean, tree-lined streets, serene parks, and distinctive architecture. Chandigarh serves as the capital of both Punjab and Haryana states, fostering a vibrant cultural scene alongside its administrative importance. As a model of sustainable urban living (HOKKAIDO WINTER TIME), Chandigarh continues to offer a tranquil yet dynamic environment (SURAKARTA HEARTBEAT & BOROBUDUR ETERNAL LEGEND). 

During the six-hour journey, we encountered unexpected challenges. Several tour members fell ill with stomach upset, vomiting, nausea, and fever. Despite their boasts of extensive travel experience across India, they were unprepared for the winding mountain roads, plus, I reckon it’s the effects of late-night meals followed by over-eating again at breakfast buffet. This lack of foresight led to unscheduled stops for fresh air and medical assistance, disrupting the journey. Some had to visit the doctor while others waited on the coach.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Kullu Manali - Experiencing Himalayan Majesty

Next on our itinerary was Kullu Manali (SHIMLA ESSENCE OF HIMALAYSAN GEM). After a comfort break and lunch, we arrived at the Westin Hotel and Resort in Manali past 10 PM. Declining the late dinner, I headed straight to my room and was impressed by its cleanliness and comfort. A refreshing shower marked the end of my day before bedtime. The buffet breakfast the next morning wasn’t remarkable but provided the necessary fuel for our activities at Rohtang Pass (HOKKAIDO WINTER LUST).

Rohtang Pass, nestled in the majestic Himalayas at an altitude of about 3,978 meters, holds significant historical (VARANASI SACRED GANGES) and geographical importance. It has served as a crucial trade route since ancient times, connecting the lush Kullu Valley to the arid Lahaul and Spiti Valleys. The name Rohtang translates to "pile of corpses" due to its challenging terrain and unpredictable weather, which historically made it a difficult passage. Today, Rohtang Pass offers breathtaking vistas of snow-capped peaks, glaciers, and alpine meadows.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Plant Based/Vegetarian Tofu Rendang

Namaskar Loves, no, I have not ditched my cooking segment, neither any of you who are my ardent fans of my recipes. Just that, gosh, let me not start again, on being fully occupied with my time. No need, and lets get to the recipe. Plant Based/Vegetarian Tofu Rendang. To tell you the truth, I'm a major, massive lover of tofu. I love, love, sincerely love tofu. Affordable, for the varies types of tofu as well and tofu, easily converted to a dish. However, bear in mind that, tofu by itself can be rather bland. Henceforth, we need to uplift the taste of tofu alongside other ingredients. Neh, not a major brain cracker and for the ideas, please refer to these recipes of mine - Vegetarian Tofu Sambal, Mapo Tofu, Tofu Katsu, Masala Tofu & Tofu Curry

Friday, January 27, 2023

Shimla, North India: Essence of the Himalayan Gem

Once I dismounted from the horse (SHIMLA -  CAPTURING NATURE'S LOVE), the guide shared his number for arranging the ride back down the hill. After waiting for ten minutes and seeing no sign of the rest of my tour group who had opted for the ride, I decided not to wait any longer. I paid the entrance fee and began my trek up the uneven path.
As I ascended, the challenge became evident - each step tested my endurance and leg strength. Halfway through, I found myself questioning whether to push forward or turn back. Despite the struggle, I continued, passing stalls selling various local products on both sides of the path (PRETORIA MOMENTS & CAPE TOWN MAGIC). 

While my interest in shopping wasn't particularly high, the allure of local bites and drinks was hard to resist. However, observing food vendors handling items without gloves in such a dusty environment gave me pause. The lack of covering for the food at these stalls added to my concern.

My walk eventually brought me to what seemed like the viewpoint (KATAGARAMA SRI LANKA) at Mahasu Peak, where I hoped to catch an overview of Kufri or even Shimla. However, the area was packed with locals who showed no signs of moving. Waiting for my turn seemed futile, especially considering the time constraint to rejoin my tour group, so I decided to return to where my guide was supposed to meet me.


After waiting for 20 minutes with no response to my calls, he finally appeared, casually taking photos as I called the horse "Darling." He corrected me, revealing the horse's name as "Raku." Oh, the innocence of it all! I thanked him profusely with a namaskar and a token before we embarked on the ride downhill.

Back in the van, we switched vehicles midway and eventually reached Jakhu Road by 4:30 pm, missing out on visiting the Shri Hanuman Mandir and Christ Church as per our itinerary. Despite this, hunger was gnawing at me after climbing steep steps, and all we could find was Cafe Under Tree. Quite a surprise! Famished, we indulged in a mix of Western and Indian vegetarian dishes - Mushroom Fried Rice, Vegetarian Biryani, and Manchurian Kofta - all delicious and reasonably priced.

Satiated, we returned to the hotel where the experience of bucket bathing added a nostalgic touch to our day. Seated on a stool, filling the bucket and using the scoop brought back memories of simpler times, reminiscent of my childhood in Jalan Chan Ah Thong Brickfields government quarters. A classic way to end my adventurous day in Shimla.

Chameleon Restaurant, Kota Kemuning: A Taste of the Hype

Whenever a new restaurant opens in Kota Kemuning, it generates significant excitement among local food enthusiasts. Chameleon Restaurant (No...