Friday, March 8, 2024

Mushroom Magic: Elevating the Classic with this Flavorful Mushroom Omelette

There's a magical allure to eggs (Egg Sambal) that makes them an everlasting favorite. Whether fried, boiled, or enhancing instant noodles, eggs add a touch of pride to our meals (Drumstick Egg Masala Curry). In my repertoire of egg recipes (Thai Green Egg Curry), I've elevated the classic omelette by incorporating canned mushrooms, a pantry staple for impromptu cooking. While the mushrooms come from our provisions, the garden-fresh spring onions, easily cultivated, add a delightful homegrown touch.

Let's embark on making this Mushroom Omelette:



3 eggs, beaten

1 can button mushrooms, sliced/cubed

3 shallots, sliced

1 red chili, sliced

Some spring onions, sliced

1/4 cup oil

Salt, to taste


Heat oil in a non-stick pan. Add shallots and lightly soften.

Pour in beaten eggs, swirling the pan to shape into a sizable omelette.

Scatter in mushrooms (keep the heat low to prevent burning beneath the eggs).

Add sliced chili and salt.

Turn the omelette to cook on the other side, breaking it into large or small pieces.

Remove and garnish with spring onions.

Enjoy this Mushroom Omelette, a fusion of pantry essentials and homegrown goodness!

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