Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Sambal Tumis Telur

And the list goes on and on for egg dishes (Fried Egg Oyster Sauce). All sorts believe me. Eggs being the glistering ingredient in my house (Kiri Hodi/Egg Sodhi, Egg Vindaloo, Egg Curry MasalaEgg Rasam, Egg Potato Curry & Beansprout Omelette). Furthermore, what about sambal? Lemme just quote two. Otherwise, we will all go mad on which to opt for (Sambal Goreng Teri  & Sambal Belimbing Ikan Bilis). Today, its egg and sambal lovingly hugging each other in this Sambal Tumis Telur. Nevertheless, not the ordinary Egg Sambal. Different. Of course. When I myself am a class of my own, so must be my Sambal Tumis Telur. What is different? I added dried shrimps and I also added grown in my garden basil leaves for the beautiful aroma. Power! Attractive, vibrant, spicy, tangy Sambal Tumis Telur. 
For sambal/chilli gravy
4 fresh red chillies
2 birds eye chillies (optional - for the extra kick of spiciness)
1 tomato
1 medium size red onion
1/2 inch roasted belacan/shrimp paste
1 inch fresh turmeric (or replace with 1 tsp turmeric powder)
**blend these ingredients with some water for a nice  thick chilli paste

Other ingredients
1/2 cup soaked and rinsed dried shrimps - roughly pound/blend
4 hard boiled eggs
1 small piece palm sugar/or 1 tsp white sugar
1/2 tbsp lime juice (or as per taste)
A handful of Thai basil leaves (or any other suitable herb)
1/4 cup oil
Salt as needed (taste sambal before adding)

Heat oil.
Add in dried shrimps.
Stir and cook till lightly crunchy.
Now add the sambal paste.
Stir and cook over low heat to release the aroma and oil splits.
Pour some water if you prefer more gravy.
Season with lime juice, palm sugar and salt.
Taste to balance the flavours.
Then gently drop in the eggs.
Stir a couple of times and off the heat.
Combine in the basil leaves.

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