Sunday, March 31, 2024

Egg-cellence Unveiled: Zen Cuisine Delights

In this segment of Zen Cuisine, we're putting eggs in the spotlight. Intriguing, isn't it? Let's dive into the world of eggs, a truly magical ingredient that's a staple in our household, and perhaps in yours too. Our pantry simply feels incomplete without a carton of eggs. We relish eggs prepared in a myriad of styles and flavors. 

But the question arises: how many eggs should one consume in a week? Share your insights in the comments, considering factors such as overall health, dietary preferences, and individual nutritional needs.

When crafting sustainable and mindful egg dishes, remember to utilize ingredients already available at home, rather than rushing to purchase new ones. Below, we'll detail the ingredients for each recipe. As for the cooking technique, "let your mindful creativity take charge. One key hint: eggs and herbs will be the final ingredients added to these egg dishes.


Capsicum Egg

Red capsicum, red onion, eggs, coconut oil, salt, and pepper.

Bitter Gourd Egg

Bitter gourd, garlic, eggs, salt and vegetable oil.

Radish Egg

Radish, garlic, eggs, spring onion, salt, and sunflower oil.

Spinach Egg

Spinach, cherry tomatoes, eggs, red onion, palm oil, salt, and pepper.

String Bean Egg

String beans, shallots, eggs, spring onion, olive oil, salt, and pepper.

Mushroom Egg

Button mushroom, shallots, spring onion, red chilies, eggs, salt, and vegetable oil.

Feel free to mix and match ingredients based on what's readily available in your kitchen, including the oils mentioned.


The next time you crave an egg dish, let Nava's Zen be your guiding light for mindful culinary inspiration. We can sense your eagerness to try out these Zen egg recipes of ours.


Let the culinary adventure begin!

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