Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Masak Lemak Sayur (Malay Style Vegan Coconut Milk Stew)

Of course. Anything is possible. Including a Malay style vegan coconut stew. Who said you can't?  Who? Who is saying. No. Not me though. In fact, this recipe of mine, evidently? Pretty much, proven. Our Malay or Malaysian vegan or vegetarian coconut milk stew (Sayur Lodeh VegetarianGado Gado Vegetarian & Vegetable Kurma). Coconut Milk (Vegetarian Nyonya Laksa, Vegetarian Nasi Lemak  & Vegetarian Mutton Rendang). Oh yes! Once said as the disaster for our health. But today, the same smart ones are professing that coconut milk or even, because coconut oil has been re-branded as "virgin coconut oil", these are for our healthiness. As if, like, our Malaysian coconut milk (Curry Mee Vegetarian) and coconut oil has never been virgins. Damn! How ingredients theories can be twisted and turned. By the way, for your information, I'm not a virgin or even "like a virgin". Hehehe!! I speak the truth and nothing but the truth. Tadaa!!

Friday, November 8, 2019

Chinese Style Eggplant

Eggplant. Sure. Truly and sincerely. A favourite in my house and eggplant, the edible fruit which, by far, as far as I know, pretty much really affordable as well. Like, you can pick up two or three eggplant, for, let's say, RM3.00 and the other I must say is that, you can convert eggplant to various types of dishes (Eggplant Tikka Masala, Japanese Eggplant Saute, Thai Style Eggplant & Indian Style Fried Eggplant). Of course. I know better because, if you are looking for eggplant recipes, look no further. Whether eggplant by itself, or into curries or gravies (Goan Prawn CurryNadal Meen/Fish CurryVegetable Kurma & Dhal Mutton Curry). Also, either as a vegetarian or non-vegetarian meal tucking in. Eggplant. Yes. They are, mind you, from same purple or green family. Eggplant, or brinjal (Terong Balado Pedas ManisEnnai Kathrikai Kuzambu/Brinjal Curry, Baingan Bharta & Brinjal Stir Fry) or aubergine (Thai Green Fish Curry & Thai Vegetable Curry).

Saturday, November 2, 2019

South India - Madurai/Trichy (Nava K Explored)

How's the going been so far? Pretty much. Interesting and exciting. Of course, there's room, mind you, of course for bitching. Bitching about those things that didn't take off promisingly or didn't fall in place as expected. Still, in all fairness, I must credit this South India tour travelling of mine. Now, what about, the characters I have been travelling alongside so far? Aha! You meet all sort of characters in life, likewise, in a tour. The ones you can click with, the ones who can get on your nerves, the ones who love to complain for no apparent reason, the ones who think they are the smartest in the world and who not. Then again. Even when family travelling together or best buddies travelling together? I know. There will always be bitchy bitches bitchiness? Or males like pussycats, or pussy in boots? Unless, of course if you solo travel? Which by the way is my traveling call as well. But. South Indian solo me? Noooo!! I didn't dare and I won't dare as well in the future. The reason why I hopped into this tour (Mysore/Coimbatore & Bangalore).

Friday, October 25, 2019

South India - Kodaikanal (Nava K Explored)

Kodaikanal! The high up altitude. Yea. High up. Up there. 2,000 meters above sea level, also, a city in the hill of Dindigul district and obviously, sure, Kodaikanal as a nature grandeur. Of course. Of course. Me and nature? Nava K the nature loving and hailing person, though, lemme admit, no, nature walking or nature hiking is not my interest. Pretty much. Nevertheless, I am sincerely with any one of you who are into admiring nature and coming with it sightseeing. Henceforth, the moment we departed from Coimbatore (South India - Mysore/Coimbatore), I was already geared up for embracing nature in Kodaikanal. After all, throughout the years, much I have read and digested about Kodaikanal in the virtual world and should I also must mention all those Kodaikanal sharing on social media? No need right?

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

South India - Mysore/Coimbatore (Nava K Explored)

From Bangalore/Bangaluru, approximately, give in and take, our 4 hours drive landing us in Mysore. The start in Mysore/Mysuru? We being driven up the hill via the tight narrow route to Chamundeswari Temple (New Kantharaj Urs Rd).

Monday, October 7, 2019

South India - Bangalore/Bengaluru (Nava K Explored)

Finally! Oh My God! Must be the blessings showered upon me from afar, from the gods in South India. After years of faulty failures to planning and literally coaxing my other half-half for years as well. Hah! In the end, I gave a damn to every damn thing aside. Let alone this man I have been married to for donkeys years who wouldn't move his butt in accompanying me for a trip to South India. His reason. Mmmm! Plain simple and nothing new. Work commitment. Nevermind I told myself and instead of still keeping my fingers crossed, hoping things will change on my home front, I gave up. I went ahead by joining a tour. Tour of 8 people and mind you, except for knowing one person, the one who organised this tour, the rest unknown. Like it mattered to me anyway? Like you are friends needy for travelling and me, already crowned as a solo-traveller.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Sekinchan (Selangor) 1 Day Trip - Part 2

What else (Sekinchan Part 1)? What else must or should be considered as part and parcel of our sightseeing in Sekinchan? Okay. Lemme start. Ah Ma House, which by the way, wasn't like a major thing for us, thereafter, we heading to Paddy Processing Factory & Gallery. Just a short drive by the way. Within a distance of 3 or most to most 4 minutes. Anyway, Sekinchan, for your information, is a small town and most, in fact, all the sightseeing spots are located within a short distance. Plus, let me tell you ahead that sightseeing in Sekinchan can be completed within, a day or even lesser. Unless, of course, you want to remain in Sekinchan for another day or two? For reasons best known to you? Go ahead. Your time, you decide.

Pucuk Ubi Masak Lemak (Tapioca leaf In Coconut Gravy)

Growing up in the government quarters of Sungei Besi , just across from the army camp, I've always felt a deep connection to Malay c...