Saturday, November 24, 2018

Betong, Thailand (Nava K's Weekend Tripping) - Episode 3

End of Episode 2 (Betong Episode 2), followed by? Obviously must be Episode 3 right? Of course. From Betong Hot Spring to Namtok Inthason Waterfall. What’s with waterfall? Because I insisted. Me so loving water seeing and hearing, and water as my healing therapy for cleansing my body, mind and soul. Moreover, since we had to pass by the route Namtok Inthason Waterfall is located, why not? No harm done. Mountainous water cascading from a few levels higher up and flowing at its own sound of music. However, as far as I know, Namtok Inthason Waterfall is not a prominent water figure of Betong (Betong Part 1) and if I am not mistaken, have not been maintained for maybe the longest time.
Maybe that's there was no one was around except us even during this weekend. Can be quite eerie mind you. Then again, for the brave hearts, nothing can or should stop you from picnicking and water dipping. We on the other hand? 10 minutes most to most before heading to Winter Flower Garden. 

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Betong, Thailand (Nava K's Weekend Tripping) - Episode 2

Did I? Did I sleep? What should I possibly? Say? Loud knocking and slamming of doors until almost 6am, and me at first like, wondering if Betong hotel devils are playing sparks. Not until later, once I put two and two together conclusively? Oh! The tale of Betong. The prominent tale to alcohol and after effects of clubbing or even maybe? Strip Shows or Tiger Shows taking a toll on human devils. Human devils not as in males only. Even the horrifying giggles of women? Remember, I told you (Betong Thailand Episode 1)? Betong is? The sex land for men. Can Betong be the sex land for women? You figure it out for yourself. Whatever! Hopping out of bed by 6.30am after like sleeping, maybe 4 hours most to most, I showered and down to the lobby. My two friends? They are always the earliest birds. They in fact had already embarked on a mini tour within the nearby area and we later, going with the flow of Betong streets for, where can breakfast be. 

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Betong, Thailand (Nava K's Weekend Tripping)

Betong? I went like, where the hell is Betong? Is there such a place as Betong in the first place? Honestly guys, I'm not shy to admit I have never ever heard of Betong in my entire life. In fact, when my two friends, the couple, the husband and wife team I travel with every now and then mentioned Betong and also asked me if I want to join them for a road trip to Betong, for a minute or two, I really didn't know what to say. Of course, how could I have possibly said no (Jogjakarta & Kyoto/Osaka)? Me and my love for travelling and trust me, as long as I am able, there will no bracket to me globe tracking (Kuantan) whether in country bound (Pulau Ketam, Penang & Langkawi) or across the sea. Anyway, once I digested the fact that Betong is actually a town in Southern Thailand, near our Malaysian border, which by the way didn't matter to me, nor I cared too hooks where I will be heading (Melaka, Port Dickson & Sungkai), I quickly and loudly said yes without even checking with my other half-half. 

Monday, September 10, 2018

Surakarta (Solo) - Jogyakarta

The last day. In fact, the finale. The finale to our sightseeing before we permanently bid bye-bye to Yogyakarta. That's right everyone. Our last day to sightseeing which will put a permanent full-stop before we pack our bags and return home next morning. Will I return to "Jogja" again? I don't think so (Jogyakarta Part 3 & Jogyakarta Part 2) because I am one person who seldom travel venture to the same destination again and I think we have to a certain extent already achieved much in terms of Jogja sightseeing. Or maybe, just saying, there are other sightseeing spots we have missed out? Then again, what else can you do in Jogja? (Mount Merapi Tour & Borobudur Yogyakarta)? You tell me. For those of you who have already travel conquered Jogyakarta at the back of your hands, maybe you will be the best person who can tell?    

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Yogyakarta, Indonesia ( Day 3) - Nava K Trailed

Buffet breakfast.The first and foremost on our third day. Buffet breakfast, as you know travellers, those of you who travel for business or pleasure so be it, generally is included in our hotel stay Unless otherwise? You have opted out for reasons only you know best? You and your reasons could possibly be? You are not a breakfast person or you prefer to seek your own, your start-up meal of the day? You can. Certainly. But make sure when you book your room, you have made it known. Some hotels do allow, others, sorry to say, I think you have to take the deal. I usually, I grab the deal whenever I am galloping the horizon. Easier, convenient and saves my time. Local inbound tripping on the contrary, well, a different food matter altogether for me. I won’t mind, sure, I am all in for walking my Malaysian ground for food seeking (Kuantan Pahang & Vistana Kuantan City Centre). Anywhere. Literally. Coffee shops or even street stalls. 

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Kuantan (Pahang) - Nava K Travel Guide (Part 2)

Where else and what else for us in Kuantan (Kuantan Part 1 & Vistana Kuantan)? Well, food spotting or perhaps better for me to say as dinner hunger tucking in. Food of course is a compulsory matter right, no matter where we are? Whether we have crossed the horizon for out of the country travel venturing or within our own country in-bound? Precisely. Weather in Kuantan on this day, hell-hack of a weather. Rainy day. Rain which started pouring, mind you, one of the heaviest for causing sky darkness as early as 6.00pm and we on the other hand, braving rain for heading to Ana Ikan Bakar Petai. At the suggestion of our Kuantan friend who have been driving us around from the time we arrived in Kuantan. According to him further, Ana Ikan Bakar Petai seemingly is the populous. In other words, the popularity. Ana Ikan Bakar Petai is the one that draws much more customers compared to the rest of the other ikan bakar/grilled fish eateries I bet you will notice while on your way to within this specific long stretch of road. Ana Ikan Bakar Petai and the rest however are simultaneous. Meaning, these are the unassuming, basic, stall kinda concept eateries and most probably, I'm guessing by the way, offering the same kinda food.    

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Jogyakarta, Indonesia - Day 2, (Part 2)

What a start for the day. Interesting, trilling, exciting, mind boggling and sweat dripping profusely as well. In fact, I must tell you that its been a promising Jogyakarta so far. First day basically exposing us to our first full blown Jogyakarta meal, followed by the hours, around, all around as far further as we could by walking our legs in and out of Jalan Malioboro (Yogyakarta, Indonesia). This morning on the other hand, anyone for the matter who come this far to Jogyakarta will, must seek and explore Borobudur. Borobudur definitely being the height for sunrise watching and Borobudur Temple by itself the lock, stock and barrel of Yogyakarta travelling porn. Thereafter, we heading to the other packaged together tourist spots (Yogyakarta Day 2) and later, my-my, the other side of Jogyakarta must experience, mountain trailing Mount Merapi adventure (Mount Merapi Jeep Tour), which by far is about understanding and gasping the facts to Mount Merapi and its after effects, fieriness consequences. Up next? Our scheduled lunch brekkie. Badly looked forward to due to jeep tour ending us energy drained, plus, remember, we wee hours jump starting our day? Honestly, once Merapi Jeep Tour ended, food hunger throne had automatically taken charge of our mind until it didn't matter where lunch will be. Neither did we bother checking with our tour guide. Nevertheless, never did we expect in our slightest moment that lunch will be a top notch, on all counts stealer in Restaurant Timpul Roso.      

Monday, June 25, 2018

Kuantan (Pahang) - My Travel Guide

Kuantan and this lady Nava K, seriously, dead serious actually, who want to achieve one of her missions, for the longest time she has been harbouring “To Love Malaysia Is To Discover Malaysia”? She mind you, no doubt been doing good so far, yet, she is not going to pull the brakes to inbound sightseeing (Penang Sightseeing, Pulau Ketam & Langkawi). What about Kuantan, are you asking? Honestly, we were alien to each other. We never ever met at all. This is our first ever time. Strange isn't it? I know. Speak about what else and the things we are aiming to achieve, while knowingly or unknowingly allowing the years to pass by, and then, without us realising, kick the bucket or living to regret? Inevitably.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Mount Merapi Jeep Tour - Jogyakarta, Indonesia (From Nava K To You)

Adventurous exciting one hack of a hack Yogyakarta jeep sightseeing tour. Loved it to every bit of its core until its still memorable till this day as I pitch my this travelling gram. Mount Merapi Jeep Tour, in case you don’t know or you have not heard of, is a must do. No matter what, I suggest you include it if you have come this far to this part of the world. Trust me, you won’t regret because each and every moment you ponder back on your Jogyakarta travel tripping, I can assure you that Mount Merapi Jeep Tour will pop up on your mind. Utterly, my one of the best among the rest of my treasured lifetime experience. Wee hours conquered and broken in Borobudur Temple, followed by other eye catching sightseeing segments (Jogyakarta Day 2Borobudur & Yogyakarta Day 1), subsequently,  Mount Merapi Jeep Tour wild card pulled out from the rest of the itinerary cards the moment we arrived at the not really a big open space where we hopped into the jeep. Three to a jeep for kick starting our one and a half hours Mount Merapi Jeep Tour. For those of you who will be doing your own free and easy sightseeing instead of like our tour package, you also have to decide between the different jeep tour packages, of course, money paying simultaneously.  

Friday, June 8, 2018

Vistana Kuantan City Centre

Airbnb, no air whatever air home stay, relatives/friend’s house or hotels? Say all you want, say all you like or say none, perhaps better for you not to open your mouth, hotel is definitely our absolute number one pick. Hotel. Yes hotel. Not the budgeted nor low cost hotels though, neither we are free loaders, nothing is free in this world for your information, but a decent hotel we can afford. Of course, given a choice, I want the best among the rest. Maybe if there's 7 star or 8 star high status exclusive hotels, I want it all. Yet, the reality is otherwise. Unless money is sunny, come on people, let's get real. Can we travel within our means? Precisely. 

Mindful Eating: The Wise Path to Better Health

We've discussed how what we eat affects our health ( THE FOOD TRUTH ), even leading to obesity. But staying healthy isn't just about...