Sunday, December 3, 2017

Langkawi (Kedah) - 2 Nights 2 Days (Part 2)

Honestly, if I am to speak my mind on breakfast next morning in the cramped dining area, I must brand it as such a corny thing (Langkawi Part 1). Basically, food to keep your tummy warm. That's it. Forget about taste and what not, maybe because I have tucked into really sumptuous buffet breakfast in 4 or 5 stars hotels (Casa Del Rio Melaka) before, this breakfast came on as an irritating thingy. Dishes disappearing as quickly as they were refilled because people were akin scrounging scavenging for free food. Not at all a pleasant sight. Mannerism ditched aside, food spilled all over the place, disgusting more than anything else. I really hate such an ugly scenario, albeit I won't complain about the ordinaries like bread, jam, scrambled eggs and the rest of the items anyone can prepare (Port Dickson Part 2 & Sungkai Perak). But if you are asking me about the rest of the dishes, goodness gracious, I rather not even waste my time telling you. I did however tuck into a tiny bit of food (Alor Setar Kedah), of course coffee is a must (Penang Thaipusam) for me first thing in the morning. 

At this juncture while we were tucking in, nobody really knew what is the next agenda. Flimsy itinerary as well. Pathetic. Nevertheless, eventually we were told that its free and easy till lunch time, thereafter we must get to the jetty for Island Hopping, which thank god, we didn't have to pay from our own pockets. Breakfast settled, actually I was already ready to leave, but since we were pooled in one car, I awaited before we got moving to the duty free outlets. Shopping and all that in Langkawi? Frankly speaking, you really wanna know? Over-rated. Malaysians somehow love to over-rate many things, including shopping mania in Langkawi. What is so great? I am really not sure. Maybe alcohol or other minor things, but if you expecting real deal of cosmetics and skin care, don't waste your time. Please don't, trust me. I still had to buy some chocolates and sarong for my friend who simply persisted. That's the problem with all of us. We genuinely tell our friends we are off for a holiday, what is in return? Buying things for them. Never-mind if they have given the money. Most people will conveniently forget, some won't even bother paying back. What about struggling to carry back? Beats me. Anyway, out of courtesy of keeping my friendship, I bought those stuffs.   

An hour plus for aimlessly walking around the shopping arcades, to tell you the truth, I was bored to death. Subsequently, we headed to the walking distance Underwater World Langkawi. First impression didn't win me. I doubted. I wasn’t even sure if its worth paying. But once I walked in, ohlalala! Spellbinding bountifulness, beautifulness and bounciness. Sincerely. My eyes almost popped out. Underwater World Langkawi proved me wrong. 
Kept me really occupied. I love what I experienced. I could have idled all my time by taking my own sweet time in seeing the angelic and non-angelic color striking underworld creatures. Utterly a kaleidoscope of beautiful water absorbing animals and creatures. They did take my breath away. They indeed moved me in every angle. I actually felt as though I was one of them. Swimming in one direction or who really care what you do in the underworld.   

Time sadly flew by quickly, we can’t possibly be in Underwater World Langkawi for the rest of the day? No, we can't. Back on the road, we drove around for hunger rescuing. Eventually, albeit I wasn’t like too keen, I agreed over the Indian food. Quite a nice meal actually, but I won't suggest its a must do in Langkawi. No point as well mentioning the restaurant and what we lunch into. No need. Better Indian food deal I think is offered in other restaurants. Awaiting us next, as I have already said earlier, was “Island Hopping”. Insanely a must experience in Langkawi. A superb water pop adventure which brought aplenty pleasure of my travelling gram. We hopped into the boat, boat went full force akin Langkawi whale, actually, I am not sure if there's whales in Langkawi water, but I am absolutely certain there are eagles. Pulau Helang. Eagle Island basically.  

No getting down, please don't try unless you want return home in a coffin. Just sit back for awing at the eagles. I doubt if you can stand, do it only if vengeance is your plot towards your spouse. Just kidding! Ultimately, believe me,  you won't get enough of looking at these flying high and low eagles, while wondering why can't you be free like them. No worries, no commitment, neither slough for money, literally just fly by going along the flow of the wind beneath your wings.    
5 minutes most to most, nothing much to do anyway except eagles seeing, our water
enthroning continued till Pulau Beras Basah. Wet Rice Island. Tranquility, alluring and captivating. No swimming for me, not among those kinda of all sort of people, including those foreign workers who were also holiday in Langkawi during this public holiday. Furthermore, there's no decent hideout for changing. I was contented with standing and admiring the sea and sand, I also couldn’t help but wonder what on earth is wrong with our Malaysian women who paraded as if they are the skimpy bikini clad “Baywatch" sexy personas. In actual fact, they awarded free show for the locals and hawk of foreign workers whom I noticed were literally salivating and getting all giggly, jiggly and wobbly. Duh! Malaysian women sometimes pick the wrong spot for flaunting their invaluable assets.

An hour in Pulau Beras Basah, back to speedy Gonzales boat for the next and final stop in Pulau Dayang Bunting/Pregnant Maiden Island. Obviously, Pulau Dayang Bunting is infinitely a strong hold which has already make its presence known among local and foreign tourists. But it is no longer as how it was when I visited it 30 years ago. Pulau Dayang Bunting has already been leveled upgraded. Aplenty changes, ranging from the decent platform for getting in and out of the boat, as well for walking all the way in, and the stone walkway leading to Tasik/Lake Dayang Bunting definitely requires bundle of stamina. Legend has it in this lake for those who want to conceive. But I still believe that its the strong eggs and sperms, and not the water of Tasik Dayang Bunting, or maybe gynecologist can do a better job if you willing to pay. Having said that, by all means, to the rest of you, please hoopla enjoy yourself in the lake. I on the hand didn't want to water wet. I can't swim for nuts, neither did I want to risk being in the really deep Tasik Dayang Bunting. 

Time had flew by, by this hour, back to the boat prior to getting down and heading for Dataran Lang. Marvelous timing. Sun glowingly going down against the backdrop of the alluring sea, I bet you won't miss seeing the centre stage big eagle, which is akin awaiting to be triggered for Langkawi marathon flying.

Photos and leisurely walking around for next an hour, we then drove to the close by to our hotel Wan Thai Langkawi Restaurant. Wow, really Thai deliciousness. Attractively presented typical Thai dishes. Of course Thai food must be spicy, a meal which conquered me splendidly.

Dinner pretty much ended the whole lock, stock and barrel of this Langkawi holiday. Official closed. Hell travelling began the next day. To the jetty, queuing, into the awaiting coach, lunch stop, loo stops and dinner stop, by the time we reached home, it was already 1.00am. What a frustrating long journey. Nang! Almost a day of road travelling. No more. Possibly a pull-stop to bus execution, for big group holidaying and for travelling during public holidays. I am done and over on all these counts. Killer tiring and I don’t think I have the patience for putting up with different characters, behaviors and people who don’t understand the concept to relaxing, going with the flow holiday happiness. Better for me to stick to my gun of travelling on my own or along, most to most 4 to 5 people.  

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