Sunday, March 6, 2022

Plant Based Spinach Turmeric Stir Fry (Vegetarian)

Where did I disappear to? Nowhere. Why then no pitching in this space of mine? Well, not everyday is a day the mind is activated for writing, furthermore, some days its pure laziness to writing, and I have been preoccupied with other things as well. One of those things, if not all, some of you know that I founded my home based, fitness Zen. That's right. Nava's Zen. Henceforth, time taken up for marketing and managing my business. Having said that, cooking is still on my list, albeit there are days its food from outside. These days, the cooking style of mine, as and when time permits, let's say, least to least, twice a week? Pretty much clean eating, healthy eating, and of course, simplicity to cooking too. Today,  its another one of my simple cooking, specifically, plant based cooking, Plant based spinach turmeric stir fry! Spinach? Oh-yes, (Chloe Palak/Spinach Chickpea, Saag Aloo/Spinach Potato, Vegetarian Spinach Coconut Milk Stew & Palak Paneer/Spinach Indian Cottage Cheese)  one of the favorites and turmeric, part and parcel of healthy cooking (Malaysian Sodhi/Coconut Milk Stew). Right now, its best we just zoom and vroom into the recipe to - plant based spinach turmeric stir fry. 

1 bunch spinach - wash and rinse, remove roots and slice, pat dry as well for avoiding sogginess. 
3 tbsp coconut oil 
2 bay leaves (tear) 
1 tsp fennel seeds  
1 tbsp turmeric powder 
Salt to taste

Heat Oil. 
Add garlic. Sweat. 
Add fennel seeds and bay leaves. 
Add spinach, turmeric powder and salt. 
Stir fry to soften spinach and dish out. 

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