Monday, August 1, 2022

Lemongrass Rice (Nasi Serai)

Hi Darlings, Hope, all of you are doing well and good. After all, hope is life. As for me, as usual, the hustle-bustle, and rimmed back to back with my daily chores, including managing and running my fitness zen. Ah! Challenging as usual as well. Having said that, if there's a will, there is always a path in front of you. Of course. Oh, I also must tell you that, I have found another hobby, apart from gardening, for fulfilling my soul. The hobby? My dance videos, shared across the board in all my social media accounts. How has it been so far? Well, the good and the ugly. The ugliness of receiving flitty, ugly, dirty, bad, brutal and hammer house of horror comments. Comments like, I'm a lonely desperate woman, I'm looking for men on social media, I am a mental case, I am a shameless old lady, I am doing drunk dancing, and the list goes on. Nevermind, let it be and let them be, because I am least bothered, and I care least. On the other hand, there are people who appreciate my dancing videos. These are, the people who don't judge, who don't label, who don't assume, and they should also be known as the "beautiful souls". Thank you, stay blessed you great people.

To the recipe now. Lemongrass Rice/Nasi Serai.  As usual, my style to cooking - (Turkish Saffron Rice) uncomplicated and for rice dishes (Nasi Minyak, Nasi Bunga Telang, Nasi Pudina & Nasi Jintan), I am supported by the rice cooker. Enough said, lets cook darlings! 

1 lemongrass - slice/chop thinly (lemongrass from our garden)
2 cups rice - rinse 
1 tbsp salted butter 
Salt per taste 
3 cups or the usual amount you use for cooking rice in the rice cooker 
Papaya leaves - to serve the rice (optional)

Heat butter, add lemongrass. 
Stir till lemongrass is slightly crispy.
Add rice, stir for a while.
Pour water, salt and stir. 
Cook. In other words, allow the rice cooker to do its job.
Once cooked, fluff up rice. 
Serve on the bed of papaya leaves. 

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