Monday, September 26, 2022

Drumstick Egg Masala (Murungakkai Muttai Masala)

Hi Darlings, 

What a long break from my cooking pitching. Like, almost a month plus already. Oh-well-well, nothing new for me to share. Its the same thing basically (read at Sun Dried Mango Curry).  Alright, without taking up your time and mine, to the recipe of the day. Drumstick/murunggakai? Yes, there's been recipes before in this space of mine (Drumstick Leaves FryFish Muringakka Curry & Salted Fish Murungakkai Curry). Let me add another one and as usual, cooking for me personally, is about simplicity and making do with my pantry friendly ingredients and whatever has been stocked up in my fridge. Right on, hit it at the recipe now please!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Sun Dried Mango Curry/Maangai Vathal Kuzhambu

Challengers are challenging! Of course, without a doubt, and I guess, challengers are part and parcel of our life. Furthermore, say what you like, challengers are unavoidable, if we are want to positively move forward in achieving whatever we have set in our mind. Unless otherwise, for those who are contented, doing what you are doing currently, or maybe, not even doing anything, there will no challengers. How about me & my challengers? Remember, I told you before (Plant Based Masala Tofu)? No, no, don't get me wrong. I am not sulking, neither complaining. I take challengers as the stepping stone for my future goals and achievements (Lemongrass Rice & Balinese Fish Sambal).  

Monday, August 1, 2022

Lemongrass Rice (Nasi Serai)

Hi Darlings, Hope, all of you are doing well and good. After all, hope is life. As for me, as usual, the hustle-bustle, and rimmed back to back with my daily chores, including managing and running my fitness zen. Ah! Challenging as usual as well. Having said that, if there's a will, there is always a path in front of you. Of course. Oh, I also must tell you that, I have found another hobby, apart from gardening, for fulfilling my soul. The hobby? My dance videos, shared across the board in all my social media accounts. How has it been so far? Well, the good and the ugly. The ugliness of receiving flitty, ugly, dirty, bad, brutal and hammer house of horror comments. Comments like, I'm a lonely desperate woman, I'm looking for men on social media, I am a mental case, I am a shameless old lady, I am doing drunk dancing, and the list goes on. Nevermind, let it be and let them be, because I am least bothered, and I care least. On the other hand, there are people who appreciate my dancing videos. These are, the people who don't judge, who don't label, who don't assume, and they should also be known as the "beautiful souls". Thank you, stay blessed you great people.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Balinese Fish Sambal/Sambal Ikan Bali

Hi Loves, to blog or not to blog? Ah! What a mindboggling question. Seemingly blogging has taken a back step due to social media platforms. Still, there are bloggers who are continuing with blogging, taking it as a platform for sharing whatever they feel they should and want to share with all of you great souls. What about me? Well, sad if I let me blog die a natural death (Turkish Carrot Yogurt Salad & Masala Tofu). By right, I should have switched to a website, considering I am now into my own fitness zen, fitness business and in the fitness industry. Then again, tell me about it? Cost? Seriously, I can't afford. Therefore, for me personally, although I'm not as active as I have been in blogging, I will still keep this previous space of mine, which I believe has reached 10 years mark. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Turkish Carrot Yogurt Salad/Yogurtlu Havuc Salatasi

 Hi Darlings, 

Today, I bring you with lotsa love, happiness, peace, joy and laughter, another Turkish dish. Furthermore, its another salad dish. Turkish cuisine for me personally? Ah! Such a profound food joy and salad, of course, my food love as well. The question you are probably asking now, I'm assuming actually, must be, how does this Indian lady in Malaysia know about Turkish food? Is she pulling my legs, hands or any other part of my body, or she knows it? Darlings, the utter truth is, I have had my moment in time in Turkey and during this trip, I of course, being a foodie and home chef, I made sure I put my heart and soul in finding out about Turkish food (Turkish Cucumber Yogurt Salad, Turkish Saffron Rice & Chili Hummus). Literally, from wherever. From classy restaurants, and tasting street food too.  Alright, to the recipe now. Nothing complicated, nothing messy, neither a mind-wrecking matter. 

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Shivan Panching & Sri Marathandavar Temples

While exploring sightseeing spots in Kuantan (KUANTAN COASTAL WONDERS) I discovered the Shivan Temple in Gua Charas Panching, which led to an unexpectedly profound journey. We parked at the base of the hill, where the ascent up a steep, uneven stairway tested our resolve. My friends, initially skeptical and grumbling about the difficulty, were reluctantly drawn onward by our determination to reach the temple. The drive to the foothill was equally challenging, with its bumpy, rocky terrain (VARANASI SACRED GANGES, MADURAI SPIRITUAL INSIGHTS, KERALA TEMPLE & KATAGARAMA TEMPLE). 

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Kuantan: Coastal Wonders and Tasty Eats

Visiting Kuantan (SULTAN AHMAD SHAH MOSQUE) is incomplete without exploring its stunning beaches, known for their mesmerizing natural beauty. These beaches are a favorite among Malaysians from various regions, especially during weekends, public holidays, and school breaks. They also attract tourists from around the globe.

With the beaches already on my mind, we made our way to one of these scenic spots. I can't pinpoint the exact location, as there were no signboards, but the experience was unforgettable. The blue waters were simply breathtaking, and just gazing at them felt incredibly fulfilling (KUALA PENYU TRANQUIL NATURE & CAPE TOWN NATURAL STUNNER).

Chameleon Restaurant, Kota Kemuning: A Taste of the Hype

Whenever a new restaurant opens in Kota Kemuning, it generates significant excitement among local food enthusiasts. Chameleon Restaurant (No...