Thursday, April 4, 2024

Curry Mee Vegetarian: Zen Bliss

The buzz around vegetarian cuisine is simply astounding. Before delving into this culinary world, let's explore the diverse landscape of vegetarianism. Some are lifelong vegetarians, deeply committed to their choice. Others, like Ms. Nava, aren't strictly vegetarian, but they appreciate the flavorful delights of veggie dishes. As time progresses, more people are embracing vegetarianism. What's driving this shift? Perhaps it's a quest for a healthier lifestyle, a spiritual awakening, or newfound dietary sensitivities. Some even take the plunge into veganism.

But while they navigate their journey, let's relish in the exquisite delight of Zen Curry Mee Vegetarian. This isn't just any curry - it's meticulously crafted from scratch with coconut milk, tamarind, and fragrant lemongrass. Imagine it: tender noodles, crispy brinjal, tofu, and spicy green chillies, all bathed in a rich curry sauce. It's a symphony of flavors, a culinary journey to holistic wellness. So go ahead, savor each spoonful, and experience the Zen of vegetarian cuisine.


1 tbsp dried chilli paste (adjust to taste)

1 tbsp plain curry powder (adjust to taste)

1 tbsp shallot paste

1/2 tbsp ginger paste

1 stalk lemongrass, crushed

2 pieces dried tamarind fruit (asam keping)

1/2 liter vegetable stock (or homemade stock with carrots, red onion, and celery)

2 cups thick coconut milk

1/4 cup oil

Salt to taste


Other Ingredients:

1 packet yellow noodles, blanched

1 block white hard tofu, sliced and lightly fried

3 small Chinese brinjals, sliced and fried

(Note: use the same oil for frying the chili mixture. It will add extra flavors)

2 green chillies, sliced

2 stalks spring onions, thinly sliced



In a bowl, combine the chilli paste, curry powder, garlic paste, shallot paste, and crushed lemongrass.

Heat oil in a pan and fry the chilli mixture until fragrant.

Add vegetable stock, dried tamarind fruit, and salt. Simmer until heated through.

Pour in coconut milk and simmer again until heated.

To serve, assemble blanched noodles with fried brinjals, tofu, green chillies, and spring onions.

Pour the curry over the noodles and enjoy your flavorful meal.

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