Why am I bringing this up? Well, because if you even mention someone's weight, especially if they're carrying a bit extra, suddenly you're labeled as a body shamer. It's like walking on eggshells.
Let's set something straight: being overweight doesn't always mean you're unhealthy. It's worth checking your BMI (Body Mass Index) before jumping to conclusions. But there's more to it than just BMI, which we'll get into shortly. Now, ladies, I'm talking to you, but guys, listen up too. Being overweight tends to affect women more than men. So, everyone, pay attention (The Power of Fitness Bra).
Why do we call
someone overweight?
It's when their body weight isn't quite balanced or evenly distributed. Picture it: maybe their lower half is carrying more weight than the upper part. Think big tummies, extra layers of fat hanging around, or hips and thighs packing on more than their fair share.
Sometimes, it's like their whole body's rounded out with extra weight piled on every part. And yeah, even the bum gets in on the action, adding to the overall imbalance. Then there's the height factor. Some folks are carrying around more weight than they should for their height, giving them that big-built look.
Now, here's a simple test you can do at home to see if you're tipping the scales: how do you feel when you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror without any clothes on?

Here's a little
checklist, especially for the ladies, to help figure out if you might be
carrying a bit more weight than you should.
"yes" or "no" to each of the following questions.
Do you feel
kinda small when you're hanging out with ladies who've got their shape and size
all sorted?
Ever find
yourself feeling a twinge of jealousy or envy when you see a woman who's really
rocking her shape?
Got a bit of a
confidence dip, even though you might not want to admit it, and deep down, you
know it's probably because of your weight?
Do you get all fired up when someone makes a comment about your body weight?
Do you get the odd comment suggesting maybe you're a bit on the sloppy side?
Ever catch
yourself putting others down or getting caught up in gossip, maybe as a way to
feel better about yourself?
Do you find
yourself stressing out about finding the right outfit for events, maybe even
avoiding going altogether?
And hey, do you
ever find yourself hiding your body under loose-fitting clothes?
Do you wear
clothes that are really tight, though people don't comment but they stare at
And let's not
forget about the walking situation. Do you ever struggle to keep up with
others, feeling like you're lagging behind? It's all part of the puzzle.
Count your "yes" and "no" answers. The totals will reveal how you truly feel about your weight.
These questions really hit home, don't they? If you find yourself getting all
fired up after reading them, what's that telling you?

"I barely
always out walking or exercising."
"My diet's
all healthy stuff."
Oh, I either skip it or keep it super light."
"I don’t
snack late at night."
still, the pounds won't budge, and I don't know why."
These are the
classic lines we hear from folk during our coaching sessions. Even after a few
rounds of coaching, they're still scratching their heads, and sometimes, they
even bail after the first session, especially when we start digging deeper.
Stay tuned for
our next chat, where we'll dive into why people end up overweight and whether
they're truly okay with it. Keep your eyes peeled for that follow-up.
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