Thursday, December 28, 2023

6 Key Components to Enhance Your Home Office Space

Creating an effective and comfortable home office requires careful consideration of several key components. With the rise of remote working, your home office has become more than just a temporary workspace; it's a place where productivity, comfort, and technology intersect. Here are six essential elements to consider for enhancing your home office space. 

Ergonomic Furniture

The cornerstone of any efficient home office is ergonomic furniture. This includes a chair that supports your back and promotes good posture, and a desk that is the right height to prevent strain. An ergonomic setup reduces the risk of work-related injuries and increases comfort, which can significantly boost productivity. For those long hours at the desk, consider a chair with adjustable lumbar support and a desk that allows for both sitting and standing positions. Remember, comfort in your workspace directly affects your work performance and overall health.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Summerset Cafe: Love-Bonding with the Influence of Digital Marketing

Occasionally, if not every weekend, "Nava's Cooking" is set aside for our love-marriage food bonding escapades (K2 Kopitiam, Teluk Panglima Garang). In this culinary journey, I proudly wear the badge of the passionate foodie, leading to explore eateries through the dynamic realm of social media platforms, where the power of digital marketing unfolds its possibilities. Otherwise, my other half-half tends to steer us towards Indian cuisine (The Grand Mapillai, Sec 23, Shah Alam), relying on recommendations from his "Teh-Tarik Gang." Interestingly, my other half-half, not very immersed in social media, leans towards the simplicity of a WhatsApp family group. I see this preference as a generational choice for sharing information from social media and digital newsprints, fostering a belief of being a step ahead or part of an exclusive class in news sharing - even if, at times, the news happens to be outdated or fake.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

The Grand Mapillai Restaurant Culinary Adventure

My other half-half has joined me in the exciting pursuit of discovering new eateries, a refreshing departure from his usual routine of sticking to familiar places and dishes. The news of his enthusiasm for suggesting novel dining spots was particularly thrilling, considering his previous tendency to opt for the same old eateries and stick to familiar dishes, playing it safe rather than venturing into culinary exploration. I've noticed that people's dining preferences are often influenced by those they choose to share meals with. Some tend to shy away from trying new eateries or exploring unfamiliar dishes unless compelled to by more adventurous companions (Ding Xiang Bak Kut Teh). I've made it a point to avoid dining with those who limit themselves to predictable and mundane food choices.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Never Waste Ingredients: Mathanga Thoran/Kerala Style Pumpkin Stir Fry

In my kitchen, I follow a golden rule - never waste ingredients. Every component in my pantry, fridge, and garden has a purpose, and I believe in making the most of every resource. This philosophy leads to creative culinary adventures, like the Mathanga Thoran, a Kerala (Kerala Pepper Chicken CurryStyle Pumpkin Stir Fry. The pumpkin used in this dish is what remained after preparing a delightful Pumpkin Fish Curry. Along with some curry leaves and green chilies from our urban garden at Nava's Zen.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

The WhatsApp Dilemma: Unmasking the Modern Social Disease

I mentioned WhatsApp in my previous article "Startup Lessons: The Unvarnished Truth." In this article, I'll be completely candid. WhatsApp has become a modern-day ailment, much like a contagious disease, and perhaps even worse. People now dedicate a significant chunk of their time to WhatsApp for various reasons. Let's dissect them.................

The Competition: It's quite peculiar. Whenever I post a picture of myself on my WhatsApp status, someone is quick to send me a photo in an attempt to prove that they look fantastic for their age. Did I inquire? Similarly, if I share a travel photo, they promptly forward me their travel pictures, complete with detailed travel plans. Did I request their input? The conclusion is either they're in competition with you or fervently desire to keep you informed about their life.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Creative Cooking: Pumpkin Fish Curry

Have you ever considered adding pumpkin (Vegan Pumpkin Soup) to your fish curry? It might sound unusual, even outlandish, but trust me, it's a culinary experiment that's worth trying (). I ventured into uncharted territory with my first attempt at Pumpkin Fish Curry, and the results were nothing short of fabulous (Pumpkin Salted Fish Curry). The inspiration for this dish? Well, it simply popped into my mind during one of my culinary musings.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Start-Up Solutions: Blogosphere as Your Website Alternative

Does an organization, regardless of its size and industry tenure, require a website? It's a compelling question, and from my perspective, there's no ambiguity - it's a necessity. Websites have become integral to businesses, serving various purposes, especially in showcasing products and services. One crucial function is establishing an online presence in the virtual and digital realms. Through a website, customers and clients can learn about your organization, its founders or team, philosophies, mission, and objective - essentially, the reasons for your existence in the business world and within a specific industry (Personal & Business Branding At Nava's Zen).

Thursday, December 7, 2023

The Symbiosis of Personal and Business Branding at Nava's Zen

Previously, I delved into the realms of personal branding and business branding, sharing my personal journey of realizing the importance of personal branding, particularly after establishing my fitness zen, Nava's Zen (Radiance Resilence: Personal Branding Trumphs). Today, let's harmonize my personal branding with my business brand, Nava's Zen. To be candid, bridging the connection between personal and business branding requires deliberate effort. While personal branding and business branding can exist as separate entities, aligning them necessitates thoughtful consideration. You need to delve deep, identifying connections without compromising your personal identity, beliefs, norms, and values.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Radiant Resilience: Ms. Nava's Journey Through Personal Branding Triumphs

Let's talk about branding today, focusing on personal branding and business branding. When it comes to business branding, it's about the identity associated with your products or services. This branding is often linked to the founder's philosophy, values, or beliefs. However, a business brand can exist independently of the founder, representing the brand itself, and that's perfectly acceptable. As I ventured into the business world with the establishment of Nava's Zen, I discovered the significance of personal branding, intricately connected to my business identity. Despite neglecting personal branding over the years, my role as a Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship & Small Business at Curtin University Twinning Program (via back then known as Metropolitan College) compelled me to share knowledge on business branding with my students.

Chameleon Restaurant, Kota Kemuning: A Taste of the Hype

Whenever a new restaurant opens in Kota Kemuning, it generates significant excitement among local food enthusiasts. Chameleon Restaurant (No...