Thursday, May 23, 2019

Perak Travel - Nava K Discovery

Pretty hectic, but really, really fulfilling. Me returning to my mother land (Ipoh Perak Day 1) and like on roller blades, literally, exploring as many sightseeing spots (Ipoh Perak Day 2). To tell you the truth, I actually loved every moment of it. Despite, being roasted under our Malaysian, most of the time, non-user friendly scorching hot weather. Well, in Malaysia? Either its raining and even so, must I tell you how I can still sweat and when its burn baby sun, I am soaking wet. Where to after visiting Perak Cave Temple? Gunung Lang Recreational Park. For a fact I must crown Gunung Lang Recreational Park as one of the nature pride of Ipoh. At least for someone like who love nature wonder. Mountain surrounding and lake in centrality. Lake is the first thing you will see once you park and walk. What did we do in Gunung Lang Recreational Park. Basically, 10 minutes of our time standing in front of the lakes, simultaneously, glimpsing at the surrounding. That's about it. Of course you can walk further inside through the pathway, but I really can't tell you what and what not. Most probably, nature more or most promisingly?

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Ipoh, Perak - Nava K Discovery (Day 2)

More than looked forward to, most promising, Ipoh Discovery on the first day (Day 1 Ipoh). One of those, one of the best things I suppose when you are on the go, unlike a structured itinerary in a tour, this kinda easy and free to go road trip within your country (Fraser's Hill, Pahang)? No limits or bounds? At your leisure pleasure, and we basically driving and going with the flow. Furthermore, for a fact, we actually discovering places as and when we went along. Of course, Nava K. Honestly everyone, as a hardcore avid traveller, yes I am, lemme profess, me embracing every moment of it. After all, wouldn't you agree, travelling is about capturing, seeing and appreciating places you have never been to before? Whether for the best or not so best (Betong,Thailand)? Instead of selectively picking places base on hearsay or allowing social media sharing in influencing us? Not me. Nope. Not at all. Because not necessarily other people's experiences will be the meaningful opening doors for our own travelling. Don't we all, pretty much travel for our own valid reasoning and our differential reasons most probably not applicable to others? Ditto.

Chameleon Restaurant, Kota Kemuning: A Taste of the Hype

Whenever a new restaurant opens in Kota Kemuning, it generates significant excitement among local food enthusiasts. Chameleon Restaurant (No...