Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Sarawak Laksa

Guys, I thought maybe for the time being, we will just stick to within our Malaysian recipes instead of humping and jumping to other countries around the globe and most probably, my last few recipes have indicated that I am staying put and standing on my Malaysian ground (Ayam Pongteh & Chicken Vindaloo). Of course, I am not denying that a gastronomical tour to other countries is definitely a food show for exposing us to the various types of cuisines (Singapore Laksa & Vietnamese Noodle Soup). Yet, to a certain extent, I think we must do our local food hunting as well. Trust me, I myself personally have not completed making noodles from our different states (Cantonese Yee Mee, Malaysian Sour Spicy Fish Noodle Soup & Penang Mee Yoke), though Curry Laksa, or Laksa Lemak or Curry Mee been trended in this space of mine (Nyonya Curry LaksaMalaysian Lamb Curry Noodles & Penang Curry Mee) and back then, don't know how moons ago, I did make a trip to Sarawak whereby I tuck into their well known Sarawak Laksa.

Still, to tell you the truth, I really can't tell you how it tasted. In fact, I can't even recall which one from where and when I decided to make another round of curry laksa, all that popped on my mind was Sarawak Laksa (Home Made Curry Mee & Vegetarian Curry Mee). However, for staying within the limits on what can possibly be added into Sarawak Laksa, I opted for only prawns because like I have already told you before, my other half-half is anti pork and chicken, and beef is a taboo for both of us (Prawn Curry Laksa  & Prawn Noodle Soup). Referring to a couple of recipes which definitely projected a whole lot of ingredients, I decided I will stick to ingredients within my reach and I had. Henceforth, I coined my style to Sarawak Laksa paste which of course is the most important and once paste is cooked alongside coconut milk and the rest of the other ingredients, broth generously ladled over noodles. Sarawak Laksa my style? Absolutely satisfying to your tongue, throat, mouth and tummy. 

1 cup prawn shells/heads
6-8 fresh prawns - de-vein, leave the tail on and pat dry.
1 cup thick coconut milk
1-2 pieces dried tamarind/asam keping (can replace with tamarind juice)
Tofu pok - cut into pieces (as needed)
1/4 cup oil
Salt for taste

For laksa paste
For toasting in a dry pan quickly
2 tbsp white sesame seeds
1 tbsp coriander seeds
2 star anize
1 tsp cumin seeds

Other ingredients
10 dried chilies (or as needed)
1 lemongrass
1 inch galangal/lengkuas
1/2 inch roasted belacan/shrimp paste 
4 shallots
5 cloves garlic
1 tsp nutmeg powder
1 tsp curry powder
 5 candlenuts/buah keras

For assembling (as needed)
Noodles - blanch to soften (any type)
Coriander leaves - slice

For making curry paste,  add all the ingredients listed above and blend to a thick smooth paste.
Tip curry paste into a  muslin cloth or sift and squeeze out every bit.
Keep aside.
Simmer prawn shells/heads with 1 litre of water for  stock.
Drain and keep stock aside.
Season prawns with salt and fry in oil till crispy.
Remove and keep aside.
In the same oil, fry curry paste till aromatic and oil splits.
Pour in stock, add tamarind, season with salt and continue to simmer.
When stock starts to simmer, pour coconut milk and add tofu.
Simmer for another 1-2 mins.
Meanwhile assemble noodles with fried prawns and coriander leaves.
Pour gravy/curry over and serve immediately.

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