Wednesday, March 27, 2019

South Indian Style Fish Curry

Fish curry in my house (Thai Green Fish Curry, Asam Pedas Ikan Bawal & Malaysian Fish Head Curry)? What can or should I possibly say? If not once a week, at least every fortnight. Even if it’s not fish curry, there must be some sort of fried fish various types (Fried Fish Soy Sauce, Ikan Goreng Asam & Thai Crispy Fish). Obviously for the matter every few days once due to? Fish being the brain food for my other half-half. Mmmm? Cooking for our loved or loving ones? You tell me please. I am sure you know what I am talking about? Easier said than done I suppose and we women mostly, in fact, all the time making it a point in cooking what our loved ones will pleasure into. Furthermore, over the years, honestly, though I did try, I have given up on trying to coax my other half-half in trying chicken (Karaikudi Chicken Curry) or pork (Pork Bulgogi). Not worth because trust me, food can actually rock the marriage boat. Especially when age has caught up and you realize that you don't have anymore energy in trying to change your husband's food likes or dislikes. Instead, better to leave them alone and just go with the flow by cooking the food they will pleasure into. 

Mee Rebus (Vegetarian)

Mee rebus is a well-loved noodle dish originating from Malaysia and Singapore. Its name, derived from Malay, translates to "boiled ...