Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Malu Kirata

There is Kiri Hodi and there is also Malu Kirata, or Sri Lankan fish coconut stew. Furthermore, when we speak about Sri Lankan food on the whole, how can not include coconut milk mostly (Sri Lankan Carrot Salad) for whichever dish for the matter (Sodhi)? You bet. Of course, we Asians pretty much love the concept of coconut milk tipping into our cooking as well. In fact, why go so far. Even for our Malaysian savory dishes (Salted Fish Pineapple Coconut Stew & Shrimp Coconut Milk) and even for our desserts (Pumpkin Sago Dessert) and I think fish is a diet for maybe everyone around the world regardless whether we are surrounded by sea or not. Over in Malaysia too (Malaysian Fish Sambal) and in my house particularly, we are fish dependent at least twice or once a week and who can be a better Malaysian to speak about fish except Nava K. Various types of fish dishes from near and far beyond has already been my cooking skills (Nadan Meen Curry, Malabar Fish Curry, Meen Puttu & Thai Fish Noodle Soup) and I don't think there will be a full-stop to fish for as long as forever (Burmese Fish Biryani, Mauritian Fish Curry, Vietnamese Fish Soup & Bengali Fish Curry). This Malu Kirata was the latest trended in my kitchen. Perhaps not really the authentic kinda, but trust me, without compromising on Sri Lankan food fab. Masala fried fish tipped into a creamy and tangy coconut milk stew.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Wajik Pulut

Nothing like our Malaysian sugar and sweet delight. A big yes from me personally of course (Pumpkin Sago Dessert, Malaysian Sago Pudding, Kuih Buah Melaka & Bingka Pisang). Not to say I am anti Western desserts, but by far the joy is forever Malaysia made desserts, aka kuih-muih and I might as well include other close to us Asian desserts (Thai Mango Sticky Rice) though so little from other Asian continent I have made. Perhaps who knows in the near future? Maybe. Today, the dessert card I have drawn is this Wajik Pulut (Sweet Glutinous Rice Cakes). Nevertheless, not the traditional or typical one like those made by my mum. Those stirred for almost hours and really heavy sugar loading. I on the other hand decided I can limit the amount of sugar and who said you can't? Not me, lemme repeat myself again. Oh please! Gone are the days we think unless we go heavy on sugar, our Malaysian desserts will not turn out to be as expected. Not so true. Look at this Wajik Pulut. Says it all right? Made within like an hour and without my arms breaking into two. Ingredients for Wajik Pulut? Obviously, glutinous rice which you have to prior steam and later, tipped into the palm sugar, coconut milk and pandan leaves syrup and stirred till you obtain a thick rice mixture. Thereafter, tipping mixture in a tray before spreading evenly. Wajik Pulut? Sedap! Deliciousness! Hail our this, one of it as part of our kuih-muih/local delicacies.

Chameleon Restaurant, Kota Kemuning: A Taste of the Hype

Whenever a new restaurant opens in Kota Kemuning, it generates significant excitement among local food enthusiasts. Chameleon Restaurant (No...