Monday, March 23, 2015

Kuih Sagu Kukus (Steamed Sago Cake)

Kuih-Muih was my all time growing up years memories. Not to say I don't indulge in our local delicacies anymore (Wajik Pulut, Kuih Buah Melaka, Malaysian Sago Pudding & Bingka Pisang) but, sparingly and mostly during occasions instead of making at home, or sometimes I do buy from the Malay shops. Why not making at home? Basically, no takers. My other half-half need to control his sugar intake due to he must keep his diabetes in control, whereas myself. I am without a doubt free from more sugar in my body, but sugar by itself, I am quite cautious. My concern primarily is, what if I become a sugar victim if I don't limit my sugar intake and the other reason, sugar can lift my weight higher. As it is, I easily put on weight and if I don't exercise? Worst and what about what sugar doing further disaster (Honeydew Sago).

When then to making Kuih Sagu Kukus (Steamed Sago Cake). To keep in touch. To say hi to Kuih Sagu Kukus instead of falling behind on how to make. What are the ingredients for Kuih Sagu Kukus? How far can we go for our kuih-muih? Not very far right? We need sago/sagu (Pumpkin Sago Dessert), pandan leaves (Pandan Cheesecake), sugar, cornflour, coconut and salt. That's it for this truly our Malaysian dessert. Soft, wobbly, pandan leaves scented and coconut coated. Yum! My recipe? Oh please. Go ahead. I, as far as I know, have never let anyone down. I am as authentic and truthful as this Kuih Sagu Kukus (Steamed Sago Cake)  
200g/1 packet sago - soak in water for about an hour. In between rinse two or three times and drain off the water
4 to 5 pandan/screwpine leaves
2 1/2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp cornflour (to bind sago together)
Fresh grated coconut - as needed
Pinch of salt

Blend/process pandan leaves with half cup of water.
Strain to extract the juice.
Pour into soaked sago.
Set aside for half an hour - to color and scent the sago.
Drain off the juice,
Gently mix sago with sugar and cornflour.
Pour into a lightly oiled baking tray/pan.
Steam till sago is translucent.
Remove from steamer and carefully cut into pieces.
Roll over coconut mixed with a pinch of salt.

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